29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#1 von EZ Zahr , 02.07.2015 10:10

N I E M E L O W . J U L Y . R A C I N G
>> Regeln & Informationen <<
>> Rules & Information <<

#1 Es sind nur Pferde ohne Zuchtzulassung startberechtigt.
___ Only Horses without breed permission are allowed to start.
#2 Es sind nur Pferde (xx, ox) startberechtigt, die (noch) nicht außerhalb des Rennsports starten.
___ Only Horses (ox, xx), which starts only in races are allowed to start.


#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

EZ Zahr
Beiträge: 2.572
Registriert am: 15.04.2014

RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#2 von Nessa ( Gast ) , 12.07.2015 09:08



RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#3 von Nessa ( Gast ) , 12.07.2015 09:12

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)


RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#4 von Maura ( Gast ) , 22.07.2015 07:52



RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#5 von Gast , 22.07.2015 08:01

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler
Blackmail - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Saintly Bell RS - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich
Sealight - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Talisman full Love xx - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Oakheart - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Ipanema - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Daenvgiell - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Perfect Man - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lady Racoona S - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Thunder of Creation - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Sineyard RS - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing
Golden Speedster RS - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Pepper Sound - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Cinderella - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Sacrophania S - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Ra's Legend - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Smuggler - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt
Zielony RS - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#6 von freddy ( Gast ) , 24.07.2015 13:57



RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#7 von freddy ( Gast ) , 24.07.2015 14:05

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler
Blackmail - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Solistin xx - Gestüt Allertal

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Saintly Bell RS - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich
Sealight - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Talisman full Love xx - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Oakheart - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Ipanema - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Daenvgiell - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Perfect Man - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lady Racoona S - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Thunder of Creation - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Royal Heir xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Sineyard RS - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing
Golden Speedster RS - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Pepper Sound - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Cinderella - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Sacrophania S - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Ra's Legend - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Smuggler - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt
Zielony RS - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)


RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#8 von roxy ( Gast ) , 24.07.2015 16:40



RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#9 von immernochroxy ( Gast ) , 24.07.2015 16:48

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler
Blackmail - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Solistin xx - Gestüt Allertal
Golden Prawn FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Hattrick xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Saintly Bell RS - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich
Sealight - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Talisman full Love xx - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Oakheart - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
FI Créme de la Créme - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Ipanema - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Daenvgiell - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Perfect Man - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
Dreaming Zoom FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Calling Out For Jupiter xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lady Racoona S - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Thunder of Creation - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Royal Heir xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Sineyard RS - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing
Golden Speedster RS - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Pepper Sound - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Cinderella - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Sacrophania S - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Ra's Legend - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Smuggler - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt
Zielony RS - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)


RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#10 von Gast , 24.07.2015 18:38


RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#11 von Gast , 24.07.2015 18:45

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler
Blackmail - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Solistin xx - Gestüt Allertal
Golden Prawn FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Hattrick xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Saintly Bell RS - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
FI Lovable - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich
Sealight - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Talisman full Love xx - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Oakheart - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
FI Créme de la Créme - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Ipanema - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner
LiveTooSeeAnother - Stall Terbeck - Jeffrey Morgan
RF Pommerlunder - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Daenvgiell - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Perfect Man - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
Dreaming Zoom FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Calling Out For Jupiter xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lady Racoona S - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Thunder of Creation - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Royal Heir xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
My Little Star - Stall Terbeck - Niklas Berendt

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Sineyard RS - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Llama Taka Selfie - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing
Golden Speedster RS - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Pepper Sound - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B
Lickety Spirit xx - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner
Pepperminta xx - Stall Terbeck - Malte Nissen

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Cinderella - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Sacrophania S - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Ra's Legend - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Smuggler - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt
Zielony RS - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner
Crossing Fire xx - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger
Lemon Peak xx - Stall Terbeck - Jeffrey Morgan

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
RF King Louie ox - Stall Terbeck - Evelyn Smith

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
RF Bonecrusher ox - Stall Terbeck - Evelyn Smith

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lennox ox - Stall Terbeck - Niklas Berendt

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
A.T. El Salvador ox - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#12 von Gast , 27.07.2015 12:34


RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#13 von Gast , 27.07.2015 12:37

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler
Blackmail - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Solistin xx - Gestüt Allertal
Golden Prawn FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Hattrick xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Saintly Bell RS - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
FI Lovable - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich
Sealight - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Talisman full Love xx - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Oakheart - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
FI Créme de la Créme - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Ipanema - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner
LiveTooSeeAnother - Stall Terbeck - Jeffrey Morgan
RF Pommerlunder - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Daenvgiell - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Perfect Man - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
Dreaming Zoom FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Calling Out For Jupiter xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lady Racoona S - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Thunder of Creation - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Royal Heir xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
My Little Star - Stall Terbeck - Niklas Berendt
Heart of a Lion - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Missandei - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Sineyard RS - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Llama Taka Selfie - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing
Golden Speedster RS - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Pepper Sound - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B
Lickety Spirit xx - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner
Pepperminta xx - Stall Terbeck - Malte Nissen
WinterIsComing - Rising Sun Stables - Steffen Wielers
Danceontopoftheworld RS - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Cinderella - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Sacrophania S - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Ra's Legend - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Smuggler - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
Red Lingerie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling
Valithria R - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt
Zielony RS - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner
Crossing Fire xx - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger
Lemon Peak xx - Stall Terbeck - Jeffrey Morgan
KD Cloud Nine Vixen - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm
FI Million Dollar Baby - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
RF King Louie ox - Stall Terbeck - Evelyn Smith

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
RF Bonecrusher ox - Stall Terbeck - Evelyn Smith

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lennox ox - Stall Terbeck - Niklas Berendt

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
A.T. El Salvador ox - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)

RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#14 von Gast , 27.07.2015 14:56


RE: 29.07.2015 | Niemelow . JULY . Racing

#15 von Gast , 27.07.2015 15:01

#1 | xx | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Tough Titan RS - Nereus Riding Center - Emma Segler
Blackmail - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Solistin xx - Gestüt Allertal
Golden Prawn FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Hattrick xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean
Great Diamond xx - Redbird Racing - Alexander Swarek

#2 | xx | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Saintly Bell RS - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
FI Lovable - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger
Forever Yours xx - Redbird Racing - David Allister

#3 | xx | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
Claríce - Nereus Riding Center - Lisa Henrich
Sealight - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Talisman full Love xx - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom

#4 | xx | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Oakheart - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
FI Créme de la Créme - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson

#5 | xx | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Ipanema - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner
LiveTooSeeAnother - Stall Terbeck - Jeffrey Morgan
RF Pommerlunder - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner

#6 | xx | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
Daenvgiell - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Perfect Man - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner

#7 | xx | Fred Zen Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lion The King xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
Dreaming Zoom FW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
FI Calling Out For Jupiter xx - Fürstenwalde - Ciaran Maclean

#8 | xx | Milow Lowrider Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lady Racoona S - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Thunder of Creation - Rennstall Stocken - Lukas Delming
Silberstreif xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Royal Heir xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B

#9 | xx | Stuart Steak Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Wawa Wowzer - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Dappert

#10 | xx | Franny Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
My Little Star - Stall Terbeck - Niklas Berendt
Heart of a Lion - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal

#11 | xx | Marry Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Missandei - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm

#12 | xx | Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
Sineyard RS - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Llama Taka Selfie - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner

#13 | xx | Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Youve Cat To Be Kitten me Meow - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah Reißing
Golden Speedster RS - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Pepper Sound - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Evergreen RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey A
Magic Woman RS xx - Gestüt Allertal - Jockey B
Lickety Spirit xx - Stall Terbeck - Lea Weidner
Pepperminta xx - Stall Terbeck - Malte Nissen
WinterIsComing - Rising Sun Stables - Steffen Wielers
Danceontopoftheworld RS - Rising Sun Stables - Scott McNeal
All Together xx - Redbird Racing - Alexander Swarek
Tascaloosa RS xx - Redbird Racing - David Allister

#14 | xx| Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Cinderella - Rennstall Stocken - Matthias Heringdom
Sacrophania S - Rennstall Stocken - Sascha Jansen
Ra's Legend - Rennstall Stocken - Janina Melling
Smuggler - Rennstall Stocken - Melanie Lange
Zaubermädchen RS xx - VRH Allertal - freddy
Red Lingerie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling
Valithria R - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson
Woodchuck xx - Redbird Racing - Katharina Waxer
Thisismydream xx - Redbird Racig - Alexander Swarel
Brocken Butterfly xx - Redbird Racing - David Allister
Blue Freedom xx - Redbird Racing - Lillian Collins

#15 | xx | Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
Sonic Stevie - Nereus Riding Center - Allison Haupt
Zielony RS - Rennstall Stocken - Steven Brenner
Crossing Fire xx - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger
Lemon Peak xx - Stall Terbeck - Jeffrey Morgan
KD Cloud Nine Vixen - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm
FI Million Dollar Baby - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval
Krystal Daughter xx - Redbird Racing - Lillian Collins
Zonador xx - Redbird racing - Alexander Swarek

#16 | ox | Maiden 5ft / 1.000m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#17 | ox | Maiden 7.5ft / 1.500m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)
RF King Louie ox - Stall Terbeck - Evelyn Smith

#18 | ox | Maiden 11ft / 2.200m on dirt/Sand (20.000 || 13.000 | 5.000 | 2.000)

#19 | ox | Allowance 5.5ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)
RF Bonecrusher ox - Stall Terbeck - Evelyn Smith

#20 | ox | Allowance 8ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#21 | ox | Allowance 12ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (35.000 || 22.750 | 8.750 | 3.500)

#22 | ox | Arabic Nautice Race [GIII] 6ft / 1.100m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)
Lennox ox - Stall Terbeck - Niklas Berendt

#23 | ox | Arabic Sanders Race [GIII] 9ft / 1.600m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#24 | ox | Arabic Winslow Race [GIII] 12.5ft / 2.400m on dirt/Sand (45.000 || 29.250 | 11.250 | 4.500)

#25 | ox | Arabic Isle Race [GII] 6.5ft / 1.200m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)
A.T. El Salvador ox - Stall Terbeck - Heiko Klinger

#26 | ox | Arabic Goodman Race [GII] 10ft / 1.700m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#27 | ox | Arabic Sunnysight Up Race [GII] 13ft / 2.500m on dirt/Sand (60.000 || 39.000 | 15.000 | 6.000)

#28 | ox | Arabic Freshleg Frog Race [GI] 7ft / 1.300m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Wonder Boy AA - Gestüt Allertal

#29 | ox| Arabic Morning Glory Race [GI] 10.5ft / 1.800m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)
A.T. Dancing Leave AA - Gestüt Allertal

#30 | ox | Arabic Saint Zahr Race [GI] 14ft / 2.600m on dirt/Sand (80.000 || 52.000 | 20.000 | 8.000)


18.08.2015 | J U M P . J U M P
27.07.2015 | 0 1 1 . Jungpferdetag . Zwei

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