10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#1 von EZ Zahr , 25.12.2015 22:26

H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02
>> Regeln & Informationen <<

Der Hallen-Cup 2016 steht vor der Tür. Die 4 Qualifikationsrunden finden am 3., 10., 17. & 24.1. statt.

Genannt wird für die jeweiligen Qualifikationsrunden einzeln; d.h. jeder muss jeden Tag extra nennen, sofern ihr teilnehmen wollt. Es ist nicht Pflicht jede Qualifikationsrunde teilzunehmen.
Die Indoor-Vielseitigkeitsprüfungen stellen eine kleine Ausnahme dar, da die Vs über zwei Tage geht. Am Tag nach den regulären Qualirunden (also 4., 11., 18. & 25.1.) finden die Springprüfungen der Vs statt. An den regulären Tagen die Dressur- & Geländeprüfungen. Die Vs wird in allen Teilprüfungen mit Gesamtwertung ausgewertet.
Das Finale findet am 31.1. statt. Es qualifizieren sich jeweils die drei Erstplatzierten von jeder Qualifikationsrunde.
Das Rahmenprogramm wechselt von Tag zu Tag und hat nichts mit dem Finale am 31. zu tun.
Pro Pferd max. 1 Prüfung der Cup-Reihe; Rahmenprogramm kann tzd. genannt werden.


#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo

EZ Zahr
Beiträge: 2.572
Registriert am: 15.04.2014

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#2 von Gast , 26.12.2015 10:32


RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#3 von Gast , 26.12.2015 10:35

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#4 von SP Kamphoven ( Gast ) , 26.12.2015 13:21


SP Kamphoven

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#5 von SP Kamphoven ( Gast ) , 26.12.2015 13:24

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten

SP Kamphoven

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#6 von Gast , 01.01.2016 19:15

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#7 von Nyx ( Gast ) , 02.01.2016 21:10



RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#8 von Nyx ( Gast ) , 02.01.2016 21:11

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller


RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#9 von Tamara ( Gast ) , 02.01.2016 21:18



RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#10 von Tamara ( Gast ) , 02.01.2016 21:21

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller


RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#11 von Aeolus , 03.01.2016 01:33

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn

Beiträge: 4
Registriert am: 23.12.2015

zuletzt bearbeitet 03.01.2016 | Top

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#12 von roxy ( Gast ) , 03.01.2016 10:18



RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#13 von immernochroxy ( Gast ) , 03.01.2016 10:25

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn


RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#14 von Jana Mahlkamp ( Gast ) , 03.01.2016 13:14


Jana Mahlkamp

RE: 10.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#02

#15 von Jana Mahlkamp ( Gast ) , 03.01.2016 13:18

#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow

#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann

#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp

#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann

#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston

#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt

#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp

#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz

#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp

#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson

#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark

#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn

Jana Mahlkamp


17.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#03
03.01.2016 | H A L L E N . C U P . 2 0 1 6 . quali#01

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