#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Grace ma petite - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Grace ma petite - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Enya - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
Lilion - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
Grace Kelly - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Maistro Delano Z - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Lena
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
MC Private Dancer - Privatstall Hohenstolz - Melissa v. Hohenstolz
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Johannes - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
MC Private Dancer - Privatstall Hohenstolz - Melissa v. Hohenstolz
Baron Sonnenschein ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Castillo ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Sandmann ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Lord Sela MW - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
Diskus - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
Showana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Roxette - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Liliana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
Nachnennung und Änderung bei MEINEN Pferden
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Krisanto - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
MC Private Dancer - Privatstall Hohenstolz - Melissa v. Hohenstolz
Baron Sonnenschein ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Castillo ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Sandmann ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Lord Sela MW - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Dark Knight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Donnerblitz - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
Showana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Come and Fight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Merkada - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Alcataro S - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Armageddons Keep the Faith B - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Liliana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Krisanto - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Tdibetoi- RV Eichennau - Erin Lindsay
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
MC Private Dancer - Privatstall Hohenstolz - Melissa v. Hohenstolz
Baron Sonnenschein ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Castillo ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Sandmann ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Deliziosa Luna - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Concelio - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Diona - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
Caballos Serapho - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Lord Sela MW - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Dark Knight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Donnerblitz - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Night Rush - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Montevidina - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Roisin SHJ - Sportzentrum Redbird - Jan Kenzko
Liebeszauber - Sportzentrum Redbird - Rafferty Macfarland
Seidenweich - Sportzentrum Redbird - Rafferty Macfarland
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Buckbeak - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Lanisonn GN - Sportzentrum Redbird - Jan Kenzko
Primadonna - Sportzentrum Redbird - Helen Hammli
San Bristol - Sportzentrum Redbird - Helen Hammli
Awakening Sw ZM - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
Contessa - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
Panamera Eve Rb - Sportzentrum Redbird - Anna Lisa Delany
Alicante ZL - Sportzentrum Redbird - Anna Lisa Delany
AAS Pariñella BC - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
Showana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Damietta Sun - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Lakoona - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
Cleena Roughna Sw - Sportzentrum Redbird - Andreas Taxler
SWH Generally Hot - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Come and Fight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Merkada - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Batida de Cotta - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Golden Diamond - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Experiences - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Gregory Mf - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
Status Update - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
Up To Date SHJ - Sportzentrum Redbird - Damien Fairchild
Falling Riceballs xx - Sportzentrum Redbird - Simon Ottlob
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Alcataro S - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Armageddons Keep the Faith B - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Gibsy Girl - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Captain Poison - Sportzentrum Redbird - Mackanzie Cooper
Valerian GN - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Catch The Wind Sw - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Pokerface - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tilla Andreasson
Shirley Temple LW - Sportzentrum Redbird - Andreas Taxler
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Liliana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Krisanto - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Tdibetoi- RV Eichennau - Erin Lindsay
Janosch - Gut Bredenkamp - Eric Giesen
Paladin - Gut Bredenkamp - Eric Giesen
Montezuma - Gut Bredenkamp - Laura Magens
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato
Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
MC Private Dancer - Privatstall Hohenstolz - Melissa v. Hohenstolz
Baron Sonnenschein ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Castillo ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Sandmann ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Deliziosa Luna - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Concelio - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Diona - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
Caballos Serapho - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Lord Sela MW - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Dark Knight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Donnerblitz - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Night Rush - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Montevidina - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Roisin SHJ - Sportzentrum Redbird - Jan Kenzko
Liebeszauber - Sportzentrum Redbird - Rafferty Macfarland
Seidenweich - Sportzentrum Redbird - Rafferty Macfarland
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
Buckbeak - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
Lanisonn GN - Sportzentrum Redbird - Jan Kenzko
Primadonna - Sportzentrum Redbird - Helen Hammli
San Bristol - Sportzentrum Redbird - Helen Hammli
Awakening Sw ZM - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
Contessa - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
Panamera Eve Rb - Sportzentrum Redbird - Anna Lisa Delany
Alicante ZL - Sportzentrum Redbird - Anna Lisa Delany
AAS Pariñella BC - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
Showana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Damietta Sun - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Lakoona - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
Cleena Roughna Sw - Sportzentrum Redbird - Andreas Taxler
SWH Generally Hot - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson
KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Come and Fight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Merkada - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Batida de Cotta - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Golden Diamond - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Experiences - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Gregory Mf - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
Status Update - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
Up To Date SHJ - Sportzentrum Redbird - Damien Fairchild
Falling Riceballs xx - Sportzentrum Redbird - Simon Ottlob
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
Alcataro S - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Armageddons Keep the Faith B - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Gibsy Girl - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
Captain Poison - Sportzentrum Redbird - Mackanzie Cooper
Valerian GN - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Catch The Wind Sw - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
Pokerface - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tilla Andreasson
Shirley Temple LW - Sportzentrum Redbird - Andreas Taxler
Aristoteles - Gut Bredenkamp - Laura Magens
Flying Passion - Gut Bredenkamp - Laura Magens
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Liliana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
#01 | [Rahmenprogramm] Dressur E gebisslos
1. Montezuma - Gut Bredenkamp - Laura Magens
2. Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
3. Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
4. Cherrycake - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers
5. Sebestyén Kalászról - Ps Ginelli - Jana Fassgräber
6. Paladin - Gut Bredenkamp - Eric Giesen
7. NRC Skeggjöld - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
8. Idefix - Hof Mystery - Tamara
9. Krisanto - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
10. Janosch - Gut Bredenkamp - Eric Giesen
11. Jawad il Lail B ox - Ps Ginelli - Kari Köhler
12. Rockstar CY - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
13. Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
14. Fortitude - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brow
15. Tdibetoi- RV Eichennau - Erin Lindsay
#02 | Dressur - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
1. Crime Touch RS - Rising Sun Stables - Miyuki Kato [ist schon qualifiziert für das Finale]
2. MC Private Dancer - Privatstall Hohenstolz - Melissa v. Hohenstolz
3. Baron Sonnenschein ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
4. Deliziosa Luna - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
5. Diona - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
6. Sandmann ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
7. Eclipse FW - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
8. Fernweh Fh - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
9. San Rose Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers
10. Caballos Serapho - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
11. Castillo ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
12. Romanheldin JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
13. Concelio - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
14. Delectable VA - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
15. Delena - Castrol Sporthorses - Shawn Agreve
#03 | Dressur - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
1. Seidenweich - Sportzentrum Redbird - Rafferty Macfarland
2. Millenium - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
3. U Astrafobi - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
4. Utsiktens Made Up - Castrol Sporthorses - Amy Westhouse
5. Liebeszauber - Sportzentrum Redbird - Rafferty Macfarland
6. L. Wellington - Castrol Sporthorses - Edgar Hodges
7. U Mistrael - Castrol Sporthorses - Anne Howard
8. Night Rush - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
9. FWs Attila GW - Fürstenwalde - Ellen Peters
10. Montevidina - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
11. Dark Knight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
12. Drachentöter DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
13. Donnerblitz - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
14. Henriette Lw - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
15. Cassis Noir FW - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray
16. Zafirs Beast Prince - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane
17. Wisconsins Girl Rb - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka
18. Wingsjö Congarie - Castrol Sporthorses - William Cander
19. Lord Sela MW - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
20. Roisin SHJ - Sportzentrum Redbird - Jan Kenzko
21. GNs Sir Solo - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#04 | Dressur - Cup Grand Prix Musikkür ab 10yo
1. Buckbeak - Sportzentrum Redbird - Eva Kenzko
2. Chelsea Pier ZM - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt
3. Palim Palim - Fürstenwalde - Sophia Damüller
4. Primadonna - Sportzentrum Redbird - Helen Hammli
5. Alicante ZL - Sportzentrum Redbird - Anna Lisa Delany
6. Awakening Sw ZM - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
7. AAS Pariñella BC - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
8. San Bristol - Sportzentrum Redbird - Helen Hammli
9. WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa
10. Lanisonn GN - Sportzentrum Redbird - Jan Kenzko
11. Contessa - Sportzentrum Redbird - Moni Montag
12. Panamera Eve Rb - Sportzentrum Redbird - Anna Lisa Delany
13. FWs Contrér - Fürstenwalde - Lukas Deutschmann
#05 | [Rahmenprogramm] Stilspringen A für Reiter bis 18 Jahre
1. Antiga - Castrol Sporthorses - Emilia Johnston
2. Tausend Lichter - Ps Ginelli Dom Ginelli
3. Phantom
4. Phantom
5. Phantom
#06 | Springen - Youngster - Cup Kl. M 6-8yo
1. Idolatrous - Castrol Sporthorses - Edward Johnston
2. Damietta Sun - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker [startet nicht beim Finale]
3. SWH Generally Hot - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
4. Aeles C - Castrol Sporthorses - Misha Burns
5. EA The Shining - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
6. Cleena Roughna Sw - Sportzentrum Redbird - Andreas Taxler
7. GNs Beldando - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla
8. Showana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
9. Grande Dame - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
10. Minou FW - Fürstenwalde - Leane Witt
11. Lakoona - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
#07 | Springen - Cup Kl. S ab 9yo
1. Cash at Noon SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
2. Doyles Im Yours GN - Fürstenwalde - John Wallson [ist schon qualifiziert für das Finale]
3. Rb's Don Compton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
4. Ginellis From Dusk to Dawn GN - Ps Ginelli - Bonnie Miller
5. Merkada - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
6. Atemlos RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
7. Illyrino - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
8. Iuppiter Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
9. Experiences - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
10. KHR Furious Jack Smart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
11. Dumisani Wv - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson
12. Gregory Mf - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
13. Batida de Cotta - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
14. Falling Riceballs xx - Sportzentrum Redbird - Simon Ottlob
15. SWH Kim Impossible - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones
16. Status Update - Sportzentrum Redbird - Susan Milton
17. GNs Cheerio Anakin - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
18. Golden Diamond - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
19. Ginellis Lennart - Ps Ginelli - Louis Franzen
20. Top Quidam - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
21. Come and Fight - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
22. Ice Crusher - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
23. Up To Date SHJ - Sportzentrum Redbird - Damien Fairchild
#08 | Springen - Cup Kl. S** ab 10yo
1. U Brighton - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
2. Flying Passion - Gut Bredenkamp - Laura Magens
3. GNs Fialar - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm
4. Alcataro S - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
5. RSs Call Me Maybe - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino
6. Celebration Night DL - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller
7. Cardinal - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
8. Captain Poison - Sportzentrum Redbird - Mackanzie Cooper
9. Gibsy Girl - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tanja Aiden
10. Utsiktens Expense - Castrol Sporthorses - Colene Burcham
11. Rbs Takino SD - Fürstenwalde - Matt Deutschmann
12. Commin Up Tale DC - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck
13. Rbs Lord Heart - Fürstenwalde - René Schemitz
14. Armageddons Keep the Faith B - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
15. Pokerface - Sportzentrum Redbird - Tilla Andreasson
16. Aristoteles - Gut Bredenkamp - Laura Magens
17. Doyles Lexington Sun - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka
18. Catch The Wind Sw - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
19. Facade C - Castrol Sporthorses - Carole St. Claire
20. Valerian GN - Sportzentrum Redbird - Marie Walker
21. Shirley Temple LW - Sportzentrum Redbird - Andreas Taxler
#09 | [Rahmenprogramm] Indoor-Geländespringen E
1. Abteilung
1. Isvar - Castrol Sporthorses - Samantha Brown
2. RS Choosing Speed xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
3. Pasadena JAM - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
4. Sebestyén Kalászról - Ps Ginelli - Jana Fassgräber
5. Diamond Darling MW xx - Fürstenwalde - Smilla Jorgenson
6. USA Immaculata - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau
7. High Sparrow VE - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
8. Septemberlicht RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
9. Remino - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
10. Rieke - Privatstall Gut Waldeck - Conny
11. Carthago S - Reitverein Eichenau - Jana Mahlkamp
2. Abteilung
1. Sambuca - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Lou Kamphoven
2. WFF Aislinn - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick
3. Fliparoo J - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander
4. RS Spartan GN - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
5. Liliana ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
6. She Wolf - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
7. Dragoness - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
8. Lochcarron RS - Fürstenwalde - Tom Butler
9. Sheas Adventure RS - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
10. Conquisto Sunna NX - Die Haltergemeinschaft - Nyx
11. Winterberry Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
1. Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
2. Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
3. Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
4. Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
5. Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
6. MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
7. Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
8. Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
9. Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
10. Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
11. Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
12. Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
1. Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
2. Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
3. Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
4. Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
5. Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
6. Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
7. Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
8. Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
9. Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
10. Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
11. MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
12. Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
1. MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
2. Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson
3. Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke
4. Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel
5. Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
6. Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
7. Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
8. Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
9. Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
10. Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman
11. Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna
12. Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
#10 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Youngster - Cup Kl. L 6-8yo
1. Vampiana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (4,0)
2. Carlsson vom Dach ZM - Zuchtstall Meiningen – Anna (4,6)
3. Bravado - Castrol Sporthorses - Oliver Barthel (5,3)
4. Icator - Castrol Sporthorses - Sarah Newman (5,6)
5. MC Fabelhafte Amy - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (6,0)
6. Desert Indira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (6,3)
7. Rabenherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (6,6)
8. Santana FW - Fürstenwalde - Eleisa Wallson (7,0)
9. Romi Has It RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (7,3)
10. Tru Too You Wv - Gestüt Soul - Anna (7,6)
11. Chunky Munky ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten (8,6)
11. Soulkeeper ZM - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten (8,6)
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
1. Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
2. Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira
3. S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
4. WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
5. Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
6. Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
1. Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
2. Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
3. Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
4. WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
5. S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
6. Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
1. WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
2. Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
3. Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna
4. Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
5. S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham
6. Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira
#11 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. M ab 9yo
1. Kiss Colonel MW - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten (2,6) [ist schon qualifiziert für das Finale]
2. WPE Third Wish - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (3,0) [ist schon qualifiziert für das Finale]
2. Rosenblüte ZM FR - Zuchtstall Meiningen - Anna (3,0) [ist schon qualifiziert für das Finale]
4. Shades of London JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (3,3)
5. S Settin the Mood - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (4,3)
6. Jäger - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tabarai Akira (4,6)
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
1. Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
2. WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
3. U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
4. RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
5. WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
6. Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
7. The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
8. Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
9. GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
10. Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
11. U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
1. Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
2. Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
3. RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
4. GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
5. WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
6. The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
7. U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
8. Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
9. WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
10. U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
11. Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
1. The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn
2. Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
3. U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse
4. Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
5. WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten
6. WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
7. U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan
8. GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark
9. RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller
10. Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller
11. Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira
#12 | Indoor-Vielseitigkeit - Cup Kl. S ab 10yo
1. WPE Royal Reserve - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten (4,0)
2. The Plot Thickens - Castrol Sporthorses - Ryan Reyn (4,6)
2. Jewelry Robbery RA - Gestüt Soul - Lisa Velten (4,6)
4. Ascabban B - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (5,3)
4. RSs Fear and Loathing KHR - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (5,3)
6. U Mystique Z - Rising Sun Stables - Evil Duncan (6,6)
6. WFF Shenandoah Cruise - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (6,6)
6. Phantasia - Sportpferde Kamphoven - Tanarai Akira (6,6)
9. GNs Niall Conan - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (7,0)
9. U Iconic - Castrol Sporthorses - Carter Westhouse (7,0)
11. Carrera VE - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (8,0)
Beiträge: | 2.572 |
Registriert am: | 15.04.2014 |
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