#1 | Warmblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2021)
Cassonade RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
Romantikerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (0)
Sassenach RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (0)
Arizona RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (0)
Empress of Dorne RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (0)
Enya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (0)
Kendra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (0)
Italian Ballad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (0)
Lyonette RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (0)
Rockerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (0)
EA Bourgeoise - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson (0)
RA Nachthimmelslicht SHT - Sporthorses Thompson - Laurin Solberg (0)
SHT Aracona - Sporthorses Thompson - Cedric Durand (0)
SHT Coralie - Sporthorses Thompson - Olivia Harrison (0)
SHT Cosma Lucy - Sporthorses Thompson - Mia Nobel (0)
SHT Courtney Love - Sporthorses Thompson - Tizian Salzano (0)
SHT Falling Autumn - Sporthorses Thompson - Philip Hagmann (0)
SHT Herbstbunt - Sporthorses Thompson - Timo Nobel (0)
SHT His Royal Love - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl (0)
SHT Königsweihe - Sporthorses Thompson - Ethan Adams (0)
SHT Reckless Love - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson (0)
SHT Ringschwalbe - Sporthorses Thompson - Sienna McAllister (0)
SHT Sansovina - Sporthorses Thompson - Sienna McAllister (0)
SHT Santorinis Feenschatz - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont (0)
SHT Story of My Life - Sporthorses Thompson - Fionn O Cionaodha (0)
EA Cis-Moll - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
EA Frostromanze - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
Ker EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
EA Ehrensolistin - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (0)
Kelmis EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Marjan - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
EA Royal Lass - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
Karpo EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
EA Triumphante - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
EA Palladica - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (0)
Galimmer vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
Eiskalt vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (0)
EA Polarbella - Sternhof - Simone Stern (0)
Nanu vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
Kakia EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Cyclonia vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
EA Cornnatter - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
EA Ganz Meisterhaft - Sternhof - Auri Valvik (0)
EA Castlevania - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (0)
Babbitty Rabbity AZ - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (0)
EA Deargfola - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (0)
EA Mianadóireacht - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (0)
EA Noldolantë - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (0)
EA Merry Valentine - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
EA Schubia - Sternhof - Friederike Kielhofer (0)
EA Come and Hug Me - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (0)
EA New Heart Who Dis - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (0)
EA Amilou - Sternhof - Valentino Rupp (0)
EA Aint Nobody Got Time - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
EA Up To Eleven - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (0)
EA Mangolass - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
EA Six Truths Away - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (0)
EA GhostInTheDhark - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (0)
EA Luxurymania - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
EA Cruising Devil - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
EA Iombhá Niall - Sternhof - Phineas Magdy (0)
EA Marauder Girl - Sternhof - Phineas Magdy (0)
EA Airrock - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
EA Nessun Dorma - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
EA High and Mighty - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
EA Dhark Prime - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
EA Bród Nua - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
EA Cath Aganthrá - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (0)
Sternhofs Falling for the Captain - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (0)
Belgravia Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Janosz Alkaev (0)
Kyrie Eleison Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
Meistersange Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
Stiperstanas Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
The Stormwitch Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
Cupids Chokehold Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (0)
Primal Goddess Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (0)
Lupenrein Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (0)
RA Klassensprecherin - Nereus Riding Center - Stephan von Ederbach (0)
NRC Stilikone - Nereus Riding Center - Neele Simmens (0)
NRC Boudicca - Nereus Riding Center - Mira Löbel (0)
NRC Lysenia - Nereus Riding Center - Jens Rückert (0)
Síochána DN - Sporthorses Delaney - Layla Cooke (0)
Nikita de Reve Tb - Sporthorses Delaney - Layla Cooke (0)
#2 | Ponyfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2021)
Cookie Dough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (0)
Königs Blaine Cerana - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (0)
SHT Aletheia - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (0)
SHT Amana - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Breuer (0)
SHT Ravenna - Sporthorses Thompson - Carina Leighton (0)
SHT Twilight Tyra - Sporthorses Thompson - Tabitha Nobel (0)
Sternhofs Mezzaluna - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Missus Lollipop - Sternhof - Geoffrey Heathcote (0)
Hepzibah - Sternhof - Valentino Rupp (0)
Sternhofs Ab die Luzie - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Ginsterfeuer - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Sternhofs Abendstimmung - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Starry Ballyouskill - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Interim - Sternhof - Elisa Ojala (0)
Sternhofs Hopespot - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
Sternhofs Dainty Rock - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Polly Pocket - Sternhof - Elisa Ojala (0)
Sternhofs Remember Venice - Sternhof - Emma Potter (0)
Sternhofs Lohengrina - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (0)
Sternhofs Cacahouète - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Cendra - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (0)
Sternhofs Morgawse - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Narcissa - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Aliyandra - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
Rbs Quanta Maria - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (0)
Viking Goddess J - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (0)
Chocolate Chip FW - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (0)
Capitani FW - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (0)
NRC Thundercat - Nereus Riding Center - Tanja Markers (0)
Gleymmérei frá Eyjunni - Nereus Riding Center - Reni Däwes (0)
#3 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2021)
SHT Roana - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (0)
SHT Zeleyna - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (0)
Cilicia - Sternhof - Ayda Erdem (0)
Renske van de Sterren - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Petronella van de Sterren - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Lycia - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Breda - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Thracia - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
Aquitania - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Baetica - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Traiana - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (0)
Raetia - Sternhof - Auri Valvik (0)
Galatia - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Ferrata - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Caledonia - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (0)
Numidia - Sternhof - Ayda Erdem (0)
Sardinia - Sternhof - Valentino Rupp (0)
Snickerdoodle - Sternhof - Emma Potter (0)
Sarzana - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (0)
Vazao Radioativa - Sportpferde Winter - Adriano del Bosque Vazao (0)
Vazao Rhamnusis - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (0)
Vazao Ruiva - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (0)
Vazao Rustica - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (0)
Vazao Rufina - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (0)
Rebeldia HS - Sportpferde Winter - Berenice Rosa (0)
Rodmertsje van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Annalena Augenbast (0)
#4 | Vollblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2021)
Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (0)
Orient Express RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (0)
Gazal-173 Sarah - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
Gazal-172 Magda - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
Oscurità Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
Exasperatrix Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
NRC Mahabi Al Fallag - Nereus Riding Center - Henny Fallersdorf (0)
#5 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2021)
SHT Smart Hollys Lil Rose - Sporthorses Thompson - Leon Breuer (0)
#6 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2021)
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#7 | Warmblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2021)
Shakesbear RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck (0)
Superdieb RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (0)
Königs Cronan God - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (0)
Nightking RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (0)
Rough Sea RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (0)
Sternenkrieger RS - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (0)
Tairen Soul RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (0)
Dws Erdenstürmer - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont (0)
Dws Nothing But Dreams - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker (0)
SHT Auenfürst - Sporthorses Thompson - Amy Rivera (0)
SHT Conley - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl (0)
SHT Everest - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton (0)
SHT Felino LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Philip Hagmann (0)
SHT Freisturm - Sporthorses Thompson - Sven Wexler (0)
SHT Goldfire Heart - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton (0)
SHT Kaiserstern - Sporthorses Thompson - Marc Fichtner (0)
SHT Londinium - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (0)
SHT Noble Dancer - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl (0)
SHT Noble Future - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt (0)
SHT Novembertraum - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl (0)
SHT Rosenquarz - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont (0)
EA Skywonder - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (0)
EA Riverward - Sternhof - Simone Stern (0)
EA Skyheart - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (0)
EA Chockfrost - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (0)
EA Distellord - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
EA Vandal Savage - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (0)
EA Quellfrost - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (0)
EA Quaffle - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (0)
Agnus Deiamant HR - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Kratos EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Kokytos EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
Polarvogel vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
Kyrbas EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
EA Quantum Break - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
EA Skypoet - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
EA Axiom - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (0)
EA Goldrichtig - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (0)
Kydoimos EA - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
EA San Elizario - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
EA Scaramouch - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Neustart vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
Narrator - Sternhof - Andreas Wunder (0)
EA Haois Iarainn - Sternhof - Laurent de Calan (0)
EA Fearanghrá - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (0)
EA Six Jokes One Laugh - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
EA Niall Mango - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (0)
EA LightInTheDhark - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (0)
Haudegen vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Ayda Erdem (0)
Humdhinger vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
EA Avocat - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (0)
EA Carpe Ruber - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
EA Alarmist - Sternhof - Kay Rosenstock (0)
Humdrum vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
EA True Prime - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (0)
EA Minted Mango - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (0)
EA Rockabilly - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (0)
EA Oxymoron - Sternhof - Phineas Magdy (0)
Keuthonymos EA - Sternhof - Ayda Erdem (0)
Koning Winter Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
Newt Scamander Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
Capocannoniere Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (0)
Deichgraf Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
Silverback Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
Amon Rex Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
L`Enfant Terrible Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
KingPin Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
Sol Invictus Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (0)
SpillTheTea Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Scott Hennessy (0)
NRC Pyramus - Nereus Riding Center - Ella Siemstritt (0)
NRC Jirka - Nereus Riding Center - Peter Wolfert (0)
NRC Storm Spider - Nereus Riding Center - Klara Schildgrat (0)
NRC Game Changer - Nereus Riding Center - Anja Buntefuss (0)
NRC His Primeness - Nereus Riding Center - Mariella Ammermann (0)
NRC Drakarios - Nereus Riding Center - Inga Kenzmann (0)
NRC Fremder - Nereus Riding Center - Nicolai Weißdorn (0)
Mind of Mine DN - Sporthorses Delaney - Cayla Bellamy (0)
#8 | Ponyfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2021)
Guardian RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (0)
SHT Askari LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Hanna Wiemke (0)
SHT Cosimo LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Selena Leighton (0)
Klees Pinkest Pink - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (0)
Sternhofs Joschka - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Sternhofs Pingu - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (0)
Sternhofs Cocolesco - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (0)
Sternhofs Swatch - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Sternhofs Waldmeister - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (0)
Starry Breandán - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (0)
Sternhofs Baghdad - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
Sternhofs Incognito - Sternhof - Elisa Ojala (0)
Sternhofs Spotted Vampire - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
Sternhofs Hungarian Horntail - Sternhof - Ayda Erdem (0)
Sternhofs Pyroar - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
Sternhofs Krambambuli - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (0)
Sternhofs Boogie Woogie - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (0)
Sternhofs Rasputin - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (0)
Lunds Blueberry Apricots - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (0)
NRC Gironimo - Nereus Riding Center - Hannah-Lena Gristorp (0)
NRC Aeon Krux - Nereus Riding Center - Mia Rollert (0)
#9 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2021)
Favory Ambrosia - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
Roelof van de Sterren - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (0)
Favory Lutetia - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (0)
Neapolitano Petruvia - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Favory Sitnica - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (0)
Neapolitano Famosa II - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (0)
Favory Pandora - Sternhof - Ayda Erdem (0)
Favory Amabila - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (0)
Favory Genovieffa - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (0)
Favory Orka - Sternhof - Evelyn Neubauer (0)
Vazao Radónio - Sportpferde Winter - Dante Vega (0)
Vazao Radiante - Sportpferde Winter - Adriano del Bosque Vazao (0)
Vazao Ronaldinho - Sportpferde Winter - Adriano del Bosque Vazao (0)
Vazao Rex Amantes - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (0)
Vazao Ripheus - Sportpferde Winter - Dante Vega (0)
Vazao Rubicon - Sportpferde Winter - Nerea Vicente Acacio (0)
Vazao Remedio - Sportpferde Winter - Rayan Belmonte Valdez (0)
#10 | Vollblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2021)
Dark Illuminant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (0)
Boyfriend RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (0)
Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (0)
Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (0)
Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (0)
Mahir A-2 Mozart - Sternhof - Margo Erian (0)
EA Darkest Hour xx - Sternhof - Phineas Magdy (0)
NoBrainer Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Elias Huntington (0)
Zebrafink Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Sam Huntington (0)
#11 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2021)
#12 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2021)
#13 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2020)
Canadia RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (1)
Schattengöttin J - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (1)
Bentayga RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (1)
SHT Con Carisma - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (1)
NRC Merope - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (1)
EA Burgfüchsin - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (1)
GFS Freakin Frozen - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (1)
Abbey Mable Tb - Sporthorses Thompson - Jérôme Becker (1)
EA Queredel - Sporthorses Thompson - Aurelia Sommer (1)
Ilione EA - Sporthorses Thompson - Sienna McAllister (1)
Ladina Tb - Sporthorses Thompson - Michael Sommer (1)
SHT Astoria - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt (1)
SHT Cassina - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (1)
SHT His Amazing Grace - Sporthorses Thompson - Jule Pohl (1)
SHT Roma di Lune - Sporthorses Thompson - Sienna McAllister (1)
SHT Take me LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Philip Hagmann (1)
SHT Zamira - Sporthorses Thompson - Michael Sommer (1)
SPB Senorita Right – Sporthorses Thompson – Ethan Adams (1)
EA Perfect Saint - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
EA Goldkehlchen - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
Iphigenia EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
EA Briar Rose - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
EA Weltenwanderin - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
EA Acacrista - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (1)
Ichnae EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (1)
EA Qaiserin - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
EA Lady Lannispurr - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
EA Landrika - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (1)
EA Carillonia - Sternhof - Andreas Wunder (1)
EA Chianti - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (1)
EA Ganzisca - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (1)
Ismene EA - Sternhof - Simone Stern (1)
Ino EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (1)
EA Rowan Soilsithe - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (1)
EA Showbiz - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Iaso EA - Sternhof - Simone Stern (1)
EA Senescence - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (1)
EA Auriga - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (1)
EA Veanne Dhark - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (1)
EA Wannabhee - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (1)
GFS Wintermärchen - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (1)
EA Merryweather - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (1)
EA Asche - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (1)
Ioke EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Narretei Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Berenice Rosa (1)
Sapperlot Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Berenice Rosa (1)
CDS Kilchreest - Sportpferde Winter - Elias Huntington (1)
Beelzeboss Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (1)
Nutmeg Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (1)
Speznaz Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (1)
NRC Balvenie - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (1)
Quantensprung Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (1)
Drogheda Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (1)
Astrein Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (1)
O Hoolihan Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (1)
NRC Lieschen Müller - Nereus Riding Center - Katharina Neubauer (1)
NRC ILoveLucy - Nereus Riding Center - Annemieke Klarus (1)
NRC Erle - Nereus Riding Center - Catherine Riemann (1)
NRC Shenzhou - Nereus Riding Center - Kai Riemann (1)
NRC Ruari - Nereus Riding Center - Daniel Beckerdorf (1)
Cinderbella RS - Nereus Riding Center - Janina Bitter (1)
SPB Earwen - Nereus Riding Center - Hannes Neesen (1)
RC Schneeflockenwunsch - Nereus Riding Center - Nicki Phillip (1)
EA Florence - Sporthorses Delaney - Cayla Bellamy (1)
#14 | Ponyjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2020)
Blue Lighted Baby RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (1)
Saturna RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)
Sternhofs Crashibella - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Sternhofs Kinabalu - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
Sternhofs Fliederdrache - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (1)
Sternhofs Huffletough - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (1)
Sternhofs Frühlingsmond - Sternhof - Naomi Koller (1)
Sternhofs Ilse - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (1)
Goodness Gracious Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Emery Huntington (1)
NRC Verdandi - Nereus Riding Center - Alexandra Horn (1)
NRC Baumhörnchen - Nereus Riding Center - Matilde Rollert (1)
#15 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2020)
Aceña HS - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Anthony Sola (1)
Sancta - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt (1)
Vazao Qimera - Sportpferde Winter - Nerea Vicente Acacio (1)
Vazao Qataleya - Sportpferde Winter - Rayan Belmonte Valdez (1)
#16 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2020)
Shallow RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (1)
sMW Kriegerin - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (1)
Foxana RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (1)
Theandric RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (1)
Million Dreams Baby RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (1)
Blinding Rose EG - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (1)
GFS Golden But Stormy xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Carry Jackson (1)
LBR Duchess of Hastings xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Bill Matt Damon Thompson (1)
Zuri RS - Sporthorses Thompson - Carry Jackson (1)
Dragonize RS - Sportpferde Winter - Lexi Dowey (1)
Tullamore Dew EG xx - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (1)
Imawildcat RS - Sportpferde Winter - Scott Hennessy (1)
#17 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2020)
Daila HS - Sporthorses Thompson - Benjamin Joel Thompson (1)
Ima Wizard Harry - Sternhof - Amelie Geiger (1)
#18 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2020)
Beate - Sternhof - Szofia Kovács (1)
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#19 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2020)
Lightning Lord Dn - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (1)
Raevepels RS - Rising Sun Stables - Erin Minges-Hiller (1)
Crimson Vampeur RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (1)
Cursed Prince RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (1)
Don Dablino Tb - Sporthorses Thompson - Amy Rivera (1)
For Filou Tb - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (1)
GFS Fluffy Unicorn - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton (1)
Ixion EA - Sporthorses Thompson - Sienna McAllister (1)
SHT Crusader Crescent LH - Sporthorses Thompson - Philip Hagmann (1)
SHT Epicano - Sporthorses Thompson - Amélie Lamont (1)
SHT Eskobar - Sporthorses Thompson - Kenneth Lamont (1)
SHT Kaiseradler - Sporthorsees Thompson - Hayden Phillips (1)
SHT London Time - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton (1)
SHT Quintus - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt (1)
SHT Schattentänzer - Sporthorses Thompson - Aurelia Sommer (1)
Iapetus EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (1)
Frostmut vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
EA Count Vader - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (1)
EA Quantino - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
Dreyfus vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
Ilus EA - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (1)
Showoff vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (1)
Iolaos EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
EA Eichendorff - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Südpol vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (1)
EA Distelfalter - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
Horus vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (1)
EA Klimt - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Solomon vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
EA Edelfrost - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
EA Riverdale - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
Dunkelweiß vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (1)
EA Captain Love - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (1)
EA Saighdiúir Fuilteach - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (1)
SPB Quacks der Bruchpilot - Sternhof - Lou Koller (1)
NRC High Resolution - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (1)
EA Supermario - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (1)
EA Gilded Cage - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (1)
Sternhofs Kleines Flugzeug - Sternhof - Margo Erian (1)
EA Avantgardist - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (1)
Narrenmatt Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Alvaro Souza Peres (1)
NRC Emporio Noir - Sportpferde Winter - Berenice Rosa (1)
Rocky Balboa Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (1)
Nachtalb Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (1)
Saint Cyr HR - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (1)
BehindTheRaggery Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (1)
Dharwinian Dhemon Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (1)
WhizzBang Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Rudolf Gruber (1)
NRC Klassenclown - Nereus Riding Center - Stephan von Ederbach (1)
NRC Xerxes - Nereus Riding Center - Anja Bunthuhn (1)
NRC Grauwolf - Nereus Riding Center - Anja Bunthuhn (1)
NRC Zdenek - Nereus Riding Center - Peter Wolfert (1)
NRC Anansi - Nereus Riding Center - Aysel Benischek (1)
NRC Rheinfall - Nereus Riding Center - Anja Brinkmann (1)
NRC Menelaos - Nereus Riding Center - Nicki Münster (1)
NRC Kleiner Prinz - Nereus Riding Center - Sebastian Samms (1)
NRC Innuendo - Nereus Riding Center - Jens Kalbert (1)
NRC Rubys Dragon - Nereus Riding Center - Benjamin Drafter (1)
NRC Ehrgeiz - Nereus Riding Center - Jonas Röhrkasten (1)
EA Santo Domingo - Sporthorses Delaney - Cayla Bellamy (1)
#20 | Ponyjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2020)
Nevio HS - Sporthorses Thompson - Amy Rivera (1)
SHT Golden Aramis - Sporthorses Thompson - Lea Breuer (1)
Sternhofs Walt Disney - Sternhof - Lou Koller (1)
Sternhofs Stieglitz - Sternhof - Margo Erian (1)
Sternhofs Tesla - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (1)
Sternhofs Hic Sunt Leones - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (1)
Sternhofs Rum Weasley - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (1)
Grinsekatze Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Agnessa Vasilev (1)
Mortdecai Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Emery Huntington (1)
NRC Edelbert - Nereus Riding Center - Peter Holvat (1)
#21 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2020)
Maestoso Codetta - Sporthorses Thompson - Emilia Louise Holt (1)
Quino HS - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (1)
Machu Pikachu van de Sterren - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Neapolitano Thalassa - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (1)
Neapolitano Barbarina - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
Neapolitano Gomba - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (1)
Neapolitano Pandora - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (1)
Vazao Qartaxo - Sportpferde Winter - Adriano del Bosque Vazao (1)
Vazao Queixoso - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (1)
Vazao Quasimodo - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (1)
Vazao Querubín - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (1)
Vazao Qarnaval - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (1)
Vazao Quinxassa - Sportpferde Winter - Dante Vega (1)
Vazao Queroseno - Sportpferde Winter - Nerea Vicente Acacio (1)
Meander van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Maria Werniskow (1)
Onyx van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Renate Sabine Neumann (1)
#22 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2020)
Distant Thunder RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (1)
Red Sailor RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
LBR Man of Sorrows xx - Sporthorses Thompson - Carry Jackson (1)
EA Gospel Light xx - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (1)
Hanif ibn Abd ox - Sternhof - Margo Erian (1)
NRC Mu’tazz Al Hero - Nereus Riding Center - Kathrin Joch (1)
#23 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2020)
Ima Wizard Harry - Sternhof - Amelie Geiger (1)
#24 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2020)
#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Nachtlied J - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (2)
EA Nachtherz - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (2)
Vintermaid RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
Lyrebird RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (2)
Delphora RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
Asterope RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (2)
RA Khaleesi - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller (2)
Rain Dove R - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (2)
Abs Warrior Kisses - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (2)
Arya Tb - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (2)
Sookie Tb - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (2)
Casabella J - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (3)
Looking for Alaska RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (2)
Hestia EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (2)
ABs Charona - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (2)
EA Vergissmeinnicht - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (2)
Galingale vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (2)
EA Carmen Sandiego - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (2)
EA Knockado Saoirse - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (2)
EA Twix - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (2)
EA Schadenfreude - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (2)
EA Bodderbloom - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (2)
EA Eleven Prime Skies - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (2)
EA Aristobrat - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (2)
EA Stagepride - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (2)
Dharkvision Sw - Sternhof - Margo Erian (2)
Avicenna LW - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (3)
Kim Perfect RS - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (3)
GFS Marilyn Moon Roe - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (3)
EA Loony Lovegood - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (3)
EA Sneachta Nua - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (3)
EA Vanilla Truth - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (3)
EA Silmaril - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (3)
Galene EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (3)
NRC Adliges Herz - Sternhof - May Geider (4)
Zireael vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (4)
Rockabella J - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (4)
Fauna EA - Sternhof - May Geider (4)
EA Saliera - Sternhof - Elia Evangelista (4)
EA Devil in another Castle - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (4)
EA Kaera Bébhinn - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (4)
EA Azkaban Escapes - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (4)
EA Mangosaint - Sternhof - Kay Rosenstock (4)
EA Aprillicht - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (4)
EA Wonderbee - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (4)
KF Luminol - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (4)
Faye Firefly MW - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (4)
NRC Catriona Gael - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (4)
EA Weltall - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (5)
EA Psiwalker - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (5)
USA Sveetheart - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (5)
Europa EA - Sternhof - Amelie Geiger (5)
EA Cabale Dorée - Sternhof - Andreas Wunder (5)
Galilaea vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (5)
KF Donatella - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (5)
Echo EA - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (5)
Sidonie MW - Sternhof - Madita Bollinger (5)
Eurydike EA - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (5)
NRC Athena - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (5)
EA Starlet - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (5)
Eris EA - Sternhof - Szofia Kovács (5)
EA Cold as Ice - Sternhof - Simone Stern (5)
NORDIC DefinitionOfPaint - Sternhof - Anton Paulus (5)
Klees Tabbenoka - Sternhof - Eugen von Leon (5)
EA Southpaw - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (5)
WFF Truth Be Told - Sternhof - Phineas Magdy (5)
NRC Lieselotte - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (5)
EA Six Days To Kill - Sternhof - Kay Rosenstock (5)
GFS Dearbháil Farrah - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (2)
Boscabana Dn - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (2)
Desdemona J - Sportpferde Winter - Louis Habermann (5)
Sidechick Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Louis Habermann (3)
RC Diamantine - Sportpferde Winter - Maisy Deadman (2)
Bamboozle Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (2)
CheerioMissSophie Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (2)
Im The Cute One J - Sportpferde Winter - Riley Wakefield (2)
NRC Chaperon Rouge - Nereus Riding Center - Elenor Rauhschuh (2)
NRC Feuerland - Nereus Riding Center - Ella Siemstritt (2)
NRC Like Velvet - Nereus Riding Center - Petra Hahnert (2)
SPB Eisnacht - Nereus Riding Center - Silke Duhm (2)
Mondstern RS - Nereus Riding Center - Silke Duhm (2)
Stieftochter AF - Nereus Riding Center - Michaela Drilling (2)
GFS Querflöte - Nereus Riding Center - Asa Johannson (2)
RC Duftkerze - Nereus Riding Center - Asa Johannson (2)
CVK Thale of the Dragon - Sporthorses Delaney - Layla Bellamy (2)
CVK I Spread Rumours - Sporthorses Delaney - Layla Cooke (2)
#26 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponystuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Starfire Top Affair - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (4)
Goldregen ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (4)
Fameux Rêve LH - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (5)
Alkina RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sara Hiller (2)
Sternhofs Simonella - Rising Sun Stables - Sara Hiller (2)
Tauriel - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (4)
Britannia FW - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (4)
Alanka LW - Rising Sun Stables - Ben Minges (3)
Facetime LH - Rising Sun Stables - Sara Hiller (3)
Larifari LH - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (2)
Kleins Honigdrache - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (2)
Klees Aschenbrödel - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (2)
Be My Melody J - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (3)
Lisdoonvarna vom Klee - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (3)
Klees Aphrodisia - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (3)
EA Caught in the Act - Sternhof - Lou Koller (3)
EA Missus Monochrome - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (3)
Lyssa LW - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (3)
EA Irish Jazz - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
NRC Queen of Fools - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
Moireen vom Klee - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
Haedilia Incantata K - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
Bia vom Klee - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (4)
KS My Golden Mistress - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (4)
Satine vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (4)
NRC Faline - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
EA Missus Fright Risk - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (4)
Mystaff K - Sternhof - Lou Koller (4)
Nordika K - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (4)
PS Heidemarie - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (5)
Sternhofs Copycat - Sternhof - Katherine Evangelista (5)
EA Aleida - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (5)
PS Karmen - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (5)
PS Lady of Garbhan - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (5)
S Chartreuse - Sternhof - Margo Erian (5)
Klees Condra - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (5)
Klees Jahwira - Sternhof - Lou Koller (5)
Klees Fay - Sternhof - Anakin Gerard Braun (5)
Southerns Rise N Shine - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (5)
NRC Princess Bananahammock - Nereus Riding Center - Greti Schramm (2)
NRC Bärbel - Nereus Riding Center - Natja Daumerting (2)
#27 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Ozeania - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (2)
Anarietta - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (2)
Oak Ridge Klazina - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (2)
Medusa - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (2)
Takila - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (4)
Klees Dine - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (4)
Fionata MW - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (4)
Beluscha MW - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (5)
WPE Vermouth - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (5)
Gomera van de Sterren - Sternhof - Szofia Kovács (5)
Valesca - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (5)
Vazao Pecadora - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (2)
Pristina - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (2)
Williams Nordeste - Sportpferde Winter - Erica Calabria (4)
Vazao Nereida - Sportpferde Winter - Esteban de Marindez (4)
Vazao Phantasma - Sportpferde Winter - Esteban de Marindez (2)
Vazao Perséfone - Sportpferde Winter - Pedro de Vesero (2)
Vazao Plus Ultra - Sportpferde Winter - Rayan Belmonte Valdez (2)
Jill van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Peter Duerks (2)
Jana van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Detlev Bruin (2)
#28 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Arwen R - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (3)
EA Sahila - Sternhof - Margo Erian (2)
Jasmeen ox - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (3)
Amenei-2 Safira - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (3)
S Calypso - Sternhof - Margo Erian (5)
EA Six Feet Under xx - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (5)
Klees Ahadiat Allawn ox - Nereus Riding Center - Kathrin Joch (2)
#29 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
#30 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Gomorra MW - Sternhof - Szofia Kovács (5)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
KF Winterfell - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (2)
Chartor Royale SVH - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
USA Bellino - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (3)
NRC Soleil Noir - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (3)
Chùilles Bohemian - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (3)
Ghost Hallow RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (4)
Sandor Clegane RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (4)
Lost in the Echo Dw - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (2)
Gabriel Dw - Rising Sun Stables - Alan Hiller (2)
HW Wolkentänzer - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (2)
Arys Oakheart RS - Rising Sun Stables - Erin Minges-Hiller (5)
GFS Thronhüter - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (2)
Mint a new World VE - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (2)
EA Räuberhauptmann - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (2)
EA Dada Noir - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (2)
Eismut vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (2)
EA Alpha Centurion - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (2)
Ostarrichi - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (2)
EA Edelmann - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (2)
EA Cockatoo - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (2)
EA Poltergeist - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (2)
EA Saighdiúir Glenn - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (2)
Rorschach vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (2)
EA Croífuar Conan - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (2)
EA Rotgold - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (2)
EA Boy Blue - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (2)
Houdini vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (2)
EA Cater Carlo - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (2)
EA Fiendfyre - Sternhof - Maximilian Hell (2)
EA Abaddon Loves Pain - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (2)
Gelanor EA - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (3)
Gration EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (3)
Gelos EA - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (3)
Vogon vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (3)
NRC Diamantentraum - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (3)
EA Stalemate - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (3)
EA Iago - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (3)
EA Carlo Colucci - Sternhof - Maximilian Hell (3)
EA Tonn Acádach - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (3)
GFS Blumenprinz - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (3)
GFS Call Me Handsome - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (3)
EA Frosty the SnoMan - Sternhof - Madita Bollinger (4)
North West Tb - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (4)
EA Supercalifragilistic - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (4)
Barbarossa Tb - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (4)
Feivel EA - Sternhof - Szofia Kovács (4)
EA Pigwidgeon - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (4)
KS Morsmordre - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (4)
Bada Bing Bada Boom K - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
Dharkhawk K - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (4)
USA Ammenhai - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (5)
EA Eärendil - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (5)
Tannhäuser vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (5)
Jedermann Sw - Sternhof - Andreas Wunder (5)
NRC All I Want - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (5)
Sagittarius Nordic - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (5)
Kreuzritter J - Sternhof - Madita Bollinger (5)
EA Sidestep - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (5)
Endymion EA - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (5)
Klees Dr Candy Crush - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (5)
EA Dharkwing Duck - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (5)
Klees Ujah - Sternhof - Phineas Magdy (5)
Klees Harvey Dent - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (5)
Coriolanus Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Aidan Dowey (4)
Vazao Ayahuasca - Sportpferde Winter - Isabella Durante Alves (3)
Bad Blue Boy Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (2)
Hallodri Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (2)
Arlington J - Sportpferde Winter - Jeannie Westbrook (2)
Loughehoe Bahrain FW - Sportpferde Winter - Matthis Weinmann (2)
Mischief Mafia Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Norah McCrae (5)
Ares J - Sportpferde Winter - Sam Huntington (5)
NRC Tech Noir - Nereus Riding Center - Linda Körner (2)
NRC Januarsturm - Nereus Riding Center - Elenor Rauhschuh (2)
GFS Alles Klaro - Nereus Riding Center - Maria Karstner (2)
Flash Aah AF - Nereus Riding Center - Nina Hartwig (2)
CVK I Love Candy - Sporthorses Delaney - Layla Cooke (2)
#32 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponyhengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Grobi J - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (5)
Sternhofs Greenwich Mean Time - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (4)
Troyboy RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sara Hiller (5)
K King of Clubs - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (2)
Sternhofs Peregrinus - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (2)
Klees Aeon Nox - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (2)
Sternhofs Requiem - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (3)
Steppenwolf vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (3)
Maikönig RC - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (3)
Klees Spock - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (3)
Klees Kneemand - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (3)
Overmorrow - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
Ravenclaw FW - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (4)
Klees Wigglefloof - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (4)
PS Boytoy - Sternhof - Lou Koller (4)
Staraptor vom Sternhof - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (4)
Zimtify RS - Sternhof - Lou Koller (4)
EA Ecce Equus - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (4)
PS Cheval Noir - Sternhof - Freya Sommer (5)
Klees Mondgold - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (5)
Klees Toivanen - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (5)
Fibonacci Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (2)
Windlicht EG - Nereus Riding Center - Maike Hollert (2)
#33 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Pluto Gremia - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (2)
King Devon XVI van de Sterren - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (2)
Pluto Gomba - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (2)
Conversano Portia - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (2)
Scallywag Mr X - Sternhof - Amelie Geiger (5)
Maestoso Astoria - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (5)
Caballos Minas Gerais - Sportpferde Winter - Adriano del Bosque Vazao (5)
Vazao Padrinho - Sportpferde Winter - Alfonso Denaro Vazao (2)
Vazao Oscuro - Sportpferde Winter - Dante Vega (3)
Vazao Sicario - Sportpferde Winter - Enéas Vaio (4)
Vazao Presidente - Sportpferde Winter - Esteban de Marindez (2)
Maradona EG - Sportpferde Winter - Isabella Durante Alves (4)
Vazao Orpheus - Sportpferde Winter - Nerea Vicente Acacio (3)
Vazao Mossoró - Sportpferde Winter - Nerea Vicente Acacio (5)
Maltês - Sportpferde Winter - Pedro de Vesero (5)
Konke van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Tamina Duerks (2)
Krystan van Nereus - Nereus Riding Center - Peter Duerks (2)
#34 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Chipmunk - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (2)
Tawil ibn Rihadiin ox - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (3)
Qssim ibn Ghazawan ox - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (3)
Amenei-3 Haggard - Sternhof - Margo Erian (3)
S GoTellItOnTheMountain x - Sternhof - Maximilian Hell (3)
EA Harlequin xx - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (4)
EA Amon Hen x - Sternhof - Margo Erian (4)
S Explosion xx - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (4)
Klees Abel x - Sternhof - Margo Erian (5)
S Barnabas Collins - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (5)
#35 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
#36 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cassis Nero V - Sternhof - Szofia Kovács (2)
#37 | Schau für Warmblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Escada RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (8)
Romanautorin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (10)
Gladiatorin MW - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (11)
RA Auld Reekie - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (7)
Royal Duchesse RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (11)
RS Bacardi Razz - Rising Sun Stables - William Holland (13)
RS Little Miss Sunshine - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (16)
Nutella - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (7)
Soulrose RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (7)
Galgenfeuer TZH - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (9)
Maybe to Cool - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (11)
Scherbenregen - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (13)
Rosetta Stone - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (6)
EA Fixpunkt - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (6)
GFS Meerjuwel - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (6)
EA Gialina - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (6)
Cadeau Du Ciel J - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (6)
Sonestea MW - Sternhof - Madita Bollinger (6)
EA Earrach Grásta - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (6)
Carin SAND - Sternhof - Cody Brooks (6)
Sanddorn LH - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (7)
Ceri MW - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (7)
SWH Kleine Kaiserin - Sternhof - Laurent de Calan (7)
GNs True Love - Sternhof - Anton Paulus (7)
EA Virvelvind - Sternhof - Marilen Sarkissova (7)
Lovis SAND - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (7)
Elbereth RA - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (8)
KF Donadora - Sternhof - Madita Bollinger (8)
Nordstern HR - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (8)
SWH Explosive Kiss - Sternhof - Friederike Kielhofer (8)
I Choose You - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (8)
Alte Schule - Sternhof - Andreas Wunder (9)
Dakota HR - Sternhof - Simone Stern (9)
EA Lex Legina - Sternhof - Gabriel Kielhofer (9)
S Artistic License - Sternhof - Eugen von Leon (9)
Glockenrose CM - Sternhof - Elia Evangelista (12)
Roggenmuhme MW - Sternhof - Prinz Valentin Philip Henry von Schellenberg (12)
EA Sanjana - Sternhof - Kiana Newell (12)
Chastity BF - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (12)
Sinceriously - Sternhof - Friederike Kielhofer (12)
GNs Lexluna - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (12)
Herz ist Trumpf - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (13)
EA Devil Times Two - Sternhof - Gabriel Kielhofer (13)
Wunderliebe - Sportpferde Winter - Agnessa Vasilev (17)
Tack Room Gossip - Sportpferde Winter - Aidan Dowey (9)
Kongenial LH - Sportpferde Winter - Caleigh Huntington (6)
Delta Jeanny SHJ - Sportpferde Winter - Caspar Pfeffer (6)
Falkenschlag Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Connor Huntington (12)
Hekate J - Sportpferde Winter - Fabiana di Gioa (8)
RA Antigone - Sportpferde Winter - Francesca Wescott (6)
Tonnerre et Éclair J - Sportpferde Winter - Janosz Alkaev (8)
GFS Ark of Diamonds - Sportpferde Winter - Luke Graham (10)
Golgatha ZL - Sportpferde Winter - Luke Graham (9)
Ma Mhuirnín - Sportpferde Winter - Madison Purcell (10)
Eclaire GN - Nereus Riding Center - Manja Busche (17)
GNs Virgilia - Nereus Riding Center - Knut-Anton Brinkbacher (12)
Doyles Ciara Dairine - Nereus Riding Center - Anja Bunthuhn (16)
A Little Flake ES - Nereus Riding Center - Romana Carstens (15)
Eisrose RA - Nereus Riding Center - Dana Hayala (8)
Veliga Hjärtan S - Nereus Riding Center - Annemarie Hansemann (14)
#38 | Schau für Ponystuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
PS Another Pepsi - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (9)
RS Mojito Strawberry - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (9)
Cherrycake ES - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (10)
Titania SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (9)
KS Stormkatt - Rising Sun Stables - Sara Hiller (9)
Irish Castle - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (13)
PS Cäcilia - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (6)
Yunalesca - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (8)
Prickly Poppy - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (8)
Olympe Maxime - Sternhof - Emilia Paulsen (8)
Klees Nabbia - Sternhof - Jennifer Yansen (9)
PS Wanderin - Sternhof - Amelie Geiger (10)
Magic Wish NL - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (11)
PS Waldbeere - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (11)
NRC Demonassa - Sportpferde Winter - Charlotte Villan (11)
NRC Matriarchin - Sportpferde Winter - Lola Hampton (9)
#39 | Schau für Barockpferdestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
S Gabija - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (14)
Wilhelmina - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (14)
S Riona - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (16)
Toscanella - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (17)
Dorita - Sportpferde Winter - Amalia Mata Guzman (17)
Vazao Falésia - Sportpferde Winter - Berenice Rosa (11)
Sensimilia - Sportpferde Winter - Enéas Vaio (8)
Vazao Fanfarrona - Sportpferde Winter - Erica Calabria (11)
Vazao Londrina - Sportpferde Winter - Isabella Durante Alves (6)
Zadinia - Sportpferde Winter - Santino Rios Bernat (6)
#40 | Schau für Vollblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Dangerous Dawn SR - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (7)
Sunlight in Autumn RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (14)
Magnesia RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (7)
London Saint - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (13)
Oopsycho - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (9)
Precious Storm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Marie Peglau (9)
RSs Evanesence - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (11)
Magic Woman RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (13)
EA Pachinko xx - Sternhof - Maximilian Berens (6)
BR Approximately xx - Sternhof - Maximilian Hell (7)
BF Laughable xx - Sternhof - Maximilian Hell (8)
Zandora RS - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (9)
Dominetta Vitali Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Aidan Dowey (6)
Old Time Religion Sw - Sportpferde Winter - Ajax Blackburn (13)
Denver Girl xx - Sportpferde Winter - Lexi Dowey (11)
S Sand Dollar - Sportpferde Winter - Lexi Dowey (10)
S Unforeseen - Sportpferde Winter - Maalik el Hasheem (6)
Nincompoop xx - Sportpferde Winter - Matthis Weinmann (10)
Sascha M - Nereus Riding Center - Karin Minzer (17)
#41 | Schau für Stockhorsestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Wild Card OK - Sternhof - Valentino Rupp (6)
Miss Solitary Love SD - Sternhof - Evelyn Neubauer (16)
SnS Play With Speed GN - Sternhof - Valentino Rupp (17)
#42 | Schau für Kaltblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Ponyta - Sternhof - Magdalena Reinisch (11)
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#43 | Schau für Warmbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
Askalon J - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (11)
Killteelagh Carraig Lugh - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (6)
Flaithri RS - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones (8)
Outlander - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones (8)
Fingal Maon Sw - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (8)
Predicted Lover RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (10)
Instant Crush RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (12)
Sternenfänger AF - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (13)
RS Remington - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (13)
EA Lambrusco - Sternhof - Andreas Wunder (6)
Da Vinci Tb - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (6)
Cagliostro af Cavenaugh - Sternhof - Hannah Lexe (6)
AM Yanmega - Sternhof - Madita Bollinger (6)
EA Caligula - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (6)
EA Deus Rex Machina - Sternhof - Romana Vesberger (6)
EA Man of Steel - Sternhof - Alexander Fischer (6)
Kleins Viva Voltaire ZL - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (7)
Ascendio J - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (7)
Perilous RA - Sternhof - Elia Evangelista (7)
EA Revolverheld - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (7)
SWH Gryffindor - Sternhof - Eugen von Leon (7)
Herr Specht - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (8)
Oberon - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (8)
Novecento HR - Sternhof - Micha Evangelista (8)
EA Kobayashi Maru - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (8)
Astaroth Sw - Sternhof - Anton Paulus (8)
Sindre MW - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (10)
Panorama ZL - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (10)
LC Coramo - Sternhof - Ruth Mosegger (11)
Guybrush Threepwood - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (11)
Sixtus J - Sternhof - Benedikt Wolff (12)
Haberdashy - Sternhof - Elia Evangelista (12)
GNs Rio Reverie - Sternhof - Clemens Sagmeister (13)
S Constitution - Sternhof - Vivienne Shneider (14)
Gotenfürst J - Sternhof - May Geider (14)
Statesman SD - Sternhof - Markus Nagel (15)
Patroklos - Sternhof - Emanuel Boer (16)
Slán Abhaile - Sportpferde Winter - Elias Huntington (7)
Quereinsteiger - Sportpferde Winter - Finn Malloye (17)
Gioacchino J - Sportpferde Winter - Lexi Dowey (8)
SHT Carlo Rizzi - Sportpferde Winter - Lorenz Sagmeister (8)
Baymaxx - Sportpferde Winter - Polly Graham (6)
KHR Aventurio - Sportpferde Winter - Scott Hennessy (8)
#44 | Schau für Ponyhengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
S Sir Yes Sir - Rising Sun Stables - Emma Minges (6)
Teufelsliebe - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (6)
GFS Falkenstern - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (6)
Aberdeen Way - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (11)
RSs Red Bull - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (15)
Herzbube EG - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (6)
Romeri Torin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ben Minges (8)
Im Just Curious - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (9)
Razzmatazz FW - Sportpferde Winter - Lexi Dowey (6)
Pennywise - Sportpferde Winter - Lexi Dowey (11)
#45 | Schau für Barockpferdehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
Neapolitano Sanvoiya - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (7)
Machu Pichu van de Sterren - Sternhof - Elia Evangelista (9)
Eworn van Lichtenberg - Sternhof - Hannes Winter (16)
Vazao Lisandro - Sportpferde Winter - Dante Vega (9)
Vazao Joaozinho - Sportpferde Winter - Rayan Belmonte Valdez (7)
Larmani - Sportpferde Winter - Santino Rios Bernat (6)
#46 | Schau für Vollbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
Remixed Rush RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (14)
Injoy Gale RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (6)
Incredible Me RS - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (6)
RSs Durban Thunder - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (15)
Evergreen RS - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (8)
BF Big Whoop xx - Sternhof - Maximilian Hell (8)
Jussuf-824 Joker - Sternhof - Siobhan Troy (9)
U Scream Ice Cream xx - Sternhof - Ludwig Kirsch (12)
#47 | Schau für Stockhorsehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
SnS Millennium Falcon - Sternhof - Evelyn Neubauer (6)
#48 | Schau für Kaltbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
#49 | Senior Warmblutstuten ab 18yo
California - Sporthorses Thompson - Hannah Isabella Thompson (28)
Greves Vitalia GN - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (25)
La Boom - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (25)
DaSilvas Amourette - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (22)
Florett - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Felica von Ekkert (22)
Lovisedals Dione LW - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Felica von Ekkert (21)
Coloured Beauty UE - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (21)
NRC Amiclara - Nereus Riding Center - Anja Bunthuhn (21)
CI Sweet Daughter of Mine - Nereus Riding Center - Kirsten Hennigson (21)
Carmina Carana - Nereus Riding Center - Marita Albernd (18)
#50 | Senior Ponystuten ab 18yo
Clova - Sternhof - Alexis Birker (22)
Jodi - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (26)
Mira - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Tymo Finkel (25)
Heyla - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Steffi Müller (25)
Vroni - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Felica von Ekkert (24)
Baronesse - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Steffi Müller (23)
Chanson Z - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Steffi Müller (23)
Waterdieks Honey - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Marcel Hofspleitzer (23)
#51 | Senior Barockpferdestuten ab 18yo
Britanica - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (18)
Moscova - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (19)
Giada - Sternhof - Lorelei Grünanger (23)
Bulinka - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (21)
Sanne vom Maihof - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (20)
Amira - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Alina Meister (20)
#52 | Senior Vollblutstuten ab 18yo
Falling into Pieces B xx - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Felica von Ekkert (24)
#53 | Senior Stockhorsestuten ab 18yo
#54 | Senior Kaltblutstuten ab 18yo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#55 | Senior Warmbluthengste ab 18yo
Gotensilber SHJ - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (18)
Challenger RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (19)
Charming Alchemist - Sporthorses Thompson - Joel Peyton (25)
GNs Evander - Nereus Riding Center - Nils-Aaron Meissner (22)
#56 | Senior Ponyhengste ab 18yo
EH Paint By Numbers - Sternhof - Oliver Meissner (18)
Cherokee`s Darlino GS - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Marcel Hofspleitzer (26)
White Wonder - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Steffi Müller (26)
Cherokees Cocobello C - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Steffi Müller (24)
Astras Nepomuk GW - Ponyzucht Kleemann - Steffi Müller (22)
#57 | Senior Barockpferdehengste ab 18yo
#58 | Senior Vollbluthengste ab 18yo
WPE Illuminated - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (18)
RSs Legendary Soul - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (19)
#59 | Senior Stockhorsehengste ab 18yo
#60 | Senior Kaltbluthengste ab 18yo