08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#1 von EZ Zahr , 04.08.2023 18:34

niemelow . A U G . 23 . show
Dienstag, 08.08.2023
>> Regeln & Informationen << (kleine Ergänzung ab 2021)

# Bitte in ALLEN Prüfungen das Alter in Klammern hinter dem Reiternamen angeben.
# Am Ende des Jahres gibt es eine Abstimmung für den "BEST of Best in Show 2023"-Award, für den sich automatisch alle Sieger der Prüfung #71 | BEST IN SHOW aus diesem Jahr qualifizieren.





#1 | Warmblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#2 | Ponyfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#3 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#4 | Vollblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#5 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#6 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#7 | Warmblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#8 | Ponyfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#9 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#10 | Vollblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#11 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#12 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)


#13 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#14 | Ponyjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#15 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#16 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#17 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#18 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#19 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#20 | Ponyjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#21 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#22 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#23 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#24 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)


#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#26 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponystuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#27 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#28 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#29 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#30 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#32 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponyhengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#33 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#34 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#35 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#36 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige


#37 | Schau für Warmblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#38 | Schau für Ponystuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#39 | Schau für Barockpferdestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#40 | Schau für Vollblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#41 | Schau für Stockhorsestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#42 | Schau für Kaltblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#43 | Schau für Warmbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#44 | Schau für Ponyhengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#45 | Schau für Barockpferdehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#46 | Schau für Vollbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#47 | Schau für Stockhorsehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#48 | Schau für Kaltbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige


#49 | Senior Warmblutstuten ab 18yo

#50 | Senior Ponystuten ab 18yo

#51 | Senior Barockpferdestuten ab 18yo

#52 | Senior Vollblutstuten ab 18yo

#53 | Senior Stockhorsestuten ab 18yo

#54 | Senior Kaltblutstuten ab 18yo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#55 | Senior Warmbluthengste ab 18yo

#56 | Senior Ponyhengste ab 18yo

#57 | Senior Barockpferdehengste ab 18yo

#58 | Senior Vollbluthengste ab 18yo

#59 | Senior Stockhorsehengste ab 18yo

#60 | Senior Kaltbluthengste ab 18yo





#61 | BEST OF Stutfohlen

#62 | BEST OF Hengstfohlen

#63 | BEST OF Yearling Stuten

#64 | BEST OF Yearling Hengste

#65 | BEST OF Youngster Stuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#66 | BEST OF Youngster Hengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#67 | BEST OF Stuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#68 | BEST OF Hengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#69 | BEST OF Senior Stuten ab 18yo

#70 | BEST OF Senior Hengste ab 18yo

mit Schleife

EZ Zahr
Beiträge: 2.572
Registriert am: 15.04.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 04.08.2023 | Top

RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#2 von Gast , 07.08.2023 21:53


RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#3 von Gast , 07.08.2023 22:10

#1 | Warmblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
NRC Sidney Noir - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
Rosegold RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (0)
Schauriges Herz ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
Antidote RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
Ginevra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (0)
Nordpol RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (0)
RC Heideherz - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (0)

#2 | Ponyfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
Rebella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
Targa RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
Retroherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (0)

#3 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#4 | Vollblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
Batgirl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
Junessie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle (0)
WispOfNile RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)

#5 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#6 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

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#7 | Warmblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Copperion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
Diaspor RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
NRC Dementio - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (0)
Solano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
Damiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
Foreign Elf RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (0)
Nebelspion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
C Coca Cola - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (0)
Cloudgazer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Remond (0)
Zeitzeuge RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (0)

#8 | Ponyfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Tirion Leviathan - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
Thorin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (0)
Kleins Viking Chief - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (0)
RA Dark Lord - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (0)

#9 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#10 | Vollblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Videfuks RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (0)
Milionario RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
Notalord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (0)
Dracarino RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (0)

#11 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#12 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)


#13 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Crime Queen RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (1)
Regentin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (1)
Septa Unella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (1)
Sourceress RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (1)
Celtalpha RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (1)
Dealerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Antara JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
Dublinesse JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
Galanthis J - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (1)
Lady Voldemort RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Spirita Catchy RS - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones (1)
Cloudella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Dancera RS - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (1)
RC Blood Red Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
EA Aint No Queen - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (1)

#14 | Ponyjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Prior Fairy AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (1)
Rocksteady Queen J - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Highland Girl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (1)
Retrosine RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)

#15 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#16 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (1)
Mille Lira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Linus Mayenburg (1)
Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher (1)
Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval (1)

#17 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#18 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#19 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
RA Nachtschatten - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
Seelenpirat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (1)
NRC My Prince of Fire - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
Cosmico RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Salazar Slytherin vom Sternhof - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (1)
Iskando RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (1)
NRC Lichtspieler - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
White Knight RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Wildling RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (1)
British Lad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (1)
Constantine AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (1)
Earl of Warwick RS - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (1)
Kenobi RS - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (1)
Traumprinz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (1)
Meistersoldat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (1)
Raindancer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (1)

#20 | Ponyjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#21 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#22 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (1)

#23 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#24 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)


#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cassonade RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
Sassenach RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (2)
DWs Diarada - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
Canadia RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (3)
Schattengöttin J - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (3)
Perle De Norval - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck (3)
EA Nachtherz - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (4)
EA Castlevania - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (2)
Arizona RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (2)
Empress of Dorne RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
Kendra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (2)
Rockabilly Tb - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
DWs Naitiri - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
Bentayga RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
Klees Feefi Fofum - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (3)
Gone Girl - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
Antarctica EG - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (5)
Polarschnee F - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (5)
SHT Elchtrophäe - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (2)
Lyonette RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
RA Barkeeperin - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (2)
Italian Ballad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (2)
Shirley EG - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (2)
Rockerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
Aufunddavon WZH - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (3)
Meera - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
Oceanie - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (4)

#26 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponystuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cookie Dough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (2)
Licks Onatah - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (2)
Chamber of Secrets - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (3)
Klees Pricca - Rising Sun Stables - Candace Phelps (4)
Zimtcake RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (5)
Königs Blaine Cerana - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (2)
Queenie - Rising Sun Stables - William Holland (5)
Saturna RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
NRC Viking Blossom - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (3)

#27 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#28 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Frenclina - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder (2)
Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (2)
Orient Express RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (2)
CDS Noteinabottle - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)

#29 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#30 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Salonsilber ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (2)
Santa Cruz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
Superdieb RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (2)
Ghost in the Castle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (3)
Santiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (5)
NRC Nobody Like You - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
Sindarin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (2)
Königs Cronan God - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
Lexodus RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
Soulmate - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (3)
Captain Candy JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
Nachtrabe F - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (3)
CDS Loughgall Knight - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Marie Peglau (2)
RA König Neptun - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
Nightking RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (2)
Rough Sea RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
Tairen Soul RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
Crimson Vampeur RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
Cursed Prince RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (3)
Warwick MH - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (4)
Gallantino - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (4)

#32 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponyhengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Zimtbear RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (3)
Crunchip F - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka (4)
Guardian RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
Lunds Glomallows - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
Special One - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (3)
Ice Viking J - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
Demon Drink - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (5)

#33 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#34 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Artemis SR - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
Boyfriend RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (2)
Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson (2)
February Winds - Rising Sun Stables - Daniel Leary (2)
Soldier Hollow - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (2)
Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (2)
Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (2)
BF DearWhiteRabbit - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (5)

#35 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#36 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige


#37 | Schau für Warmblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Escada RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (10)
RC Little Lovebird - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (7)
Sheary Saorla - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (7)
For Cats Sake - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (8)
Dreams Come True RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (10)
RC Lighthouse Lady - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (11)
Cant Get Enough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (15)

#38 | Schau für Ponystuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Sonea - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (8)
Hazelwoods North Light Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (6)
A.T. Polar Light - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (14)
Swansea - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (7)

#39 | Schau für Barockpferdestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#40 | Schau für Vollblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Folksong - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (6)
Petit Aviaire - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (6)
Sayonara - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
Zebrelle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (6)
FI Solaris - Rising Sun Stables - Rowan Wilkins (8)
Cat in de Nile - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (10)
Heart of a Lion - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (10)

#41 | Schau für Stockhorsestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#42 | Schau für Kaltblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#43 | Schau für Warmbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
Clifftänzer TZH - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (7)
Blightown Cashel - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (16)
Cassiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (6)
San Remo RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (14)

#44 | Schau für Ponyhengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
RSs Cavanz - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (12)
Pokemon Pete - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (13)
RSs Red Bull - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (17)
Catch a Falling Star - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (9)

#45 | Schau für Barockpferdehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#46 | Schau für Vollbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
SHT HandOfTheKing - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (6)
Thesleepwalker RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (6)
Nightwatchman RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (6)
Amazombie RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
Castlelord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (7)
Awesome Impact - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (8)
Seventh Son - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (8)
Colonial - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (9)

#47 | Schau für Stockhorsehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#48 | Schau für Kaltbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige


#49 | Senior Warmblutstuten ab 18yo

#50 | Senior Ponystuten ab 18yo

#51 | Senior Barockpferdestuten ab 18yo

#52 | Senior Vollblutstuten ab 18yo
Kyd Caribee - Rising Sun Stables - Lucia Carlson (18)
Whataperk - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (18)

#53 | Senior Stockhorsestuten ab 18yo

#54 | Senior Kaltblutstuten ab 18yo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#55 | Senior Warmbluthengste ab 18yo

#56 | Senior Ponyhengste ab 18yo

#57 | Senior Barockpferdehengste ab 18yo

#58 | Senior Vollbluthengste ab 18yo

#59 | Senior Stockhorsehengste ab 18yo

#60 | Senior Kaltbluthengste ab 18yo




RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#4 von Gast , 08.08.2023 12:39


RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#5 von Gast , 08.08.2023 12:47

#1 | Warmblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
NRC Sidney Noir - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
Rosegold RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (0)
Schauriges Herz ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
Antidote RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
Ginevra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (0)
Nordpol RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (0)
RC Heideherz - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (0)

#2 | Ponyfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
Rebella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
Targa RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
Retroherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (0)
Vitele - Anarchie - Anarchy (0)
Faseln - Anarchie - Anarchy (0)

#3 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#4 | Vollblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
Batgirl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
Junessie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle (0)
WispOfNile RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)

#5 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#6 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#7 | Warmblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Copperion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
Diaspor RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
NRC Dementio - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (0)
Solano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
Damiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
Foreign Elf RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (0)
Nebelspion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
C Coca Cola - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (0)
Cloudgazer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Remond (0)
Zeitzeuge RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (0)

#8 | Ponyfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Tirion Leviathan - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
Thorin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (0)
Kleins Viking Chief - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (0)
RA Dark Lord - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (0)

#9 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#10 | Vollblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Videfuks RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (0)
Milionario RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
Notalord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (0)
Dracarino RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (0)

#11 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#12 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)


#13 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Crime Queen RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (1)
Regentin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (1)
Septa Unella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (1)
Sourceress RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (1)
Celtalpha RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (1)
Dealerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Antara JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
Dublinesse JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
Galanthis J - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (1)
Lady Voldemort RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Spirita Catchy RS - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones (1)
Cloudella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Dancera RS - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (1)
RC Blood Red Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
EA Aint No Queen - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (1)

#14 | Ponyjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Prior Fairy AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (1)
Rocksteady Queen J - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Highland Girl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (1)
Retrosine RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)

#15 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#16 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (1)
Mille Lira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Linus Mayenburg (1)
Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher (1)
Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval (1)

#17 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#18 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#19 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
RA Nachtschatten - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
Seelenpirat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (1)
NRC My Prince of Fire - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
Cosmico RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Salazar Slytherin vom Sternhof - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (1)
Iskando RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (1)
NRC Lichtspieler - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
White Knight RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Wildling RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (1)
British Lad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (1)
Constantine AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (1)
Earl of Warwick RS - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (1)
Kenobi RS - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (1)
Traumprinz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (1)
Meistersoldat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (1)
Raindancer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (1)

#20 | Ponyjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#21 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#22 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (1)

#23 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#24 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)


#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cassonade RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
Sassenach RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (2)
DWs Diarada - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
Canadia RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (3)
Schattengöttin J - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (3)
Perle De Norval - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck (3)
EA Nachtherz - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (4)
EA Castlevania - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (2)
Arizona RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (2)
Empress of Dorne RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
Kendra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (2)
Rockabilly Tb - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
DWs Naitiri - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
Bentayga RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
Klees Feefi Fofum - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (3)
Gone Girl - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
Antarctica EG - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (5)
Polarschnee F - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (5)
SHT Elchtrophäe - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (2)
Lyonette RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
RA Barkeeperin - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (2)
Italian Ballad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (2)
Shirley EG - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (2)
Rockerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
Aufunddavon WZH - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (3)
Meera - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
Oceanie - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (4)
Doornenkroon AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (2)
Pretty In Aquamarine AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Lucky Bean Creeper AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
Mask of Memory AWB - Anarchy - Anarchie (5)
Marquise AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Kino AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Manasa AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Kayena AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Hafei AWB - Anarchy - Anarchie (5)
Dina AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)

#26 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponystuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cookie Dough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (2)
Licks Onatah - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (2)
Chamber of Secrets - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (3)
Klees Pricca - Rising Sun Stables - Candace Phelps (4)
Zimtcake RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (5)
Königs Blaine Cerana - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (2)
Queenie - Rising Sun Stables - William Holland (5)
Saturna RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
NRC Viking Blossom - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (3)

#27 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#28 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Frenclina - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder (2)
Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (2)
Orient Express RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (2)
CDS Noteinabottle - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)

#29 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#30 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Salonsilber ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (2)
Santa Cruz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
Superdieb RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (2)
Ghost in the Castle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (3)
Santiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (5)
NRC Nobody Like You - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
Sindarin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (2)
Königs Cronan God - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
Lexodus RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
Soulmate - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (3)
Captain Candy JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
Nachtrabe F - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (3)
CDS Loughgall Knight - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Marie Peglau (2)
RA König Neptun - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
Nightking RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (2)
Rough Sea RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
Tairen Soul RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
Crimson Vampeur RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
Cursed Prince RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (3)
Warwick MH - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (4)
Gallantino - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (4)

#32 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponyhengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Zimtbear RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (3)
Crunchip F - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka (4)
Guardian RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
Lunds Glomallows - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
Special One - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (3)
Ice Viking J - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
Demon Drink - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (5)

#33 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#34 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Artemis SR - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
Boyfriend RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (2)
Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson (2)
February Winds - Rising Sun Stables - Daniel Leary (2)
Soldier Hollow - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (2)
Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (2)
Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (2)
BF DearWhiteRabbit - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (5)

#35 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#36 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige


#37 | Schau für Warmblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Escada RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (10)
RC Little Lovebird - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (7)
Sheary Saorla - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (7)
For Cats Sake - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (8)
Dreams Come True RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (10)
RC Lighthouse Lady - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (11)
Cant Get Enough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (15)
Cranleigh Valesia - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Domer Samanthe - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Pretty In Pink - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Mourning Mistress - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Oldfinion D. Swunsch - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Molly Malone - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Hayley Kern - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Kapsaicin AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Kaempferia AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Dikbekkraai - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)

#38 | Schau für Ponystuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Sonea - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (8)
Hazelwoods North Light Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (6)
A.T. Polar Light - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (14)
Swansea - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (7)

#39 | Schau für Barockpferdestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#40 | Schau für Vollblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Folksong - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (6)
Petit Aviaire - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (6)
Sayonara - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
Zebrelle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (6)
FI Solaris - Rising Sun Stables - Rowan Wilkins (8)
Cat in de Nile - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (10)
Heart of a Lion - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (10)

#41 | Schau für Stockhorsestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#42 | Schau für Kaltblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#43 | Schau für Warmbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
Clifftänzer TZH - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (7)
Blightown Cashel - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (16)
Cassiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (6)
San Remo RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (14)

#44 | Schau für Ponyhengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
RSs Cavanz - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (12)
Pokemon Pete - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (13)
RSs Red Bull - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (17)
Catch a Falling Star - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (9)

#45 | Schau für Barockpferdehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#46 | Schau für Vollbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
SHT HandOfTheKing - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (6)
Thesleepwalker RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (6)
Nightwatchman RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (6)
Amazombie RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
Castlelord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (7)
Awesome Impact - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (8)
Seventh Son - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (8)
Colonial - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (9)

#47 | Schau für Stockhorsehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#48 | Schau für Kaltbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige


#49 | Senior Warmblutstuten ab 18yo

#50 | Senior Ponystuten ab 18yo

#51 | Senior Barockpferdestuten ab 18yo

#52 | Senior Vollblutstuten ab 18yo
Kyd Caribee - Rising Sun Stables - Lucia Carlson (18)
Whataperk - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (18)

#53 | Senior Stockhorsestuten ab 18yo

#54 | Senior Kaltblutstuten ab 18yo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#55 | Senior Warmbluthengste ab 18yo

#56 | Senior Ponyhengste ab 18yo

#57 | Senior Barockpferdehengste ab 18yo

#58 | Senior Vollbluthengste ab 18yo

#59 | Senior Stockhorsehengste ab 18yo

#60 | Senior Kaltbluthengste ab 18yo




RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#6 von Gast , 09.08.2023 21:59


RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#7 von Gast , 09.08.2023 22:00


RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#8 von Gast , 09.08.2023 22:12

#1 | Warmblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
NRC Sidney Noir - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
Rosegold RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (0)
Schauriges Herz ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
Antidote RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
Ginevra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (0)
Nordpol RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (0)
RC Heideherz - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (0)

#2 | Ponyfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
Rebella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
Targa RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
Retroherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (0)
Vitele - Anarchie - Anarchy (0)
Faseln - Anarchie - Anarchy (0)

#3 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#4 | Vollblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
Batgirl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
Junessie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle (0)
WispOfNile RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)

#5 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#6 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#7 | Warmblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Copperion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
Diaspor RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
NRC Dementio - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (0)
Solano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
Damiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
Foreign Elf RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (0)
Nebelspion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
C Coca Cola - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (0)
Cloudgazer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Remond (0)
Zeitzeuge RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (0)

#8 | Ponyfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Tirion Leviathan - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
Thorin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (0)
Kleins Viking Chief - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (0)
RA Dark Lord - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (0)

#9 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#10 | Vollblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
Videfuks RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (0)
Milionario RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
Notalord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (0)
Dracarino RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (0)

#11 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#12 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)


#13 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Crime Queen RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (1)
Regentin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (1)
Septa Unella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (1)
Sourceress RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (1)
Celtalpha RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (1)
Dealerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Antara JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
Dublinesse JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
Galanthis J - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (1)
Lady Voldemort RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Spirita Catchy RS - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones (1)
Cloudella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Dancera RS - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (1)
RC Blood Red Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
EA Aint No Queen - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (1)

#14 | Ponyjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Prior Fairy AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (1)
Rocksteady Queen J - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
Highland Girl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (1)
Retrosine RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)

#15 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#16 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (1)
Mille Lira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Linus Mayenburg (1)
Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher (1)
Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval (1)

#17 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#18 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#19 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
RA Nachtschatten - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
Seelenpirat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (1)
NRC My Prince of Fire - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
Cosmico RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Salazar Slytherin vom Sternhof - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (1)
Iskando RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (1)
NRC Lichtspieler - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
White Knight RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
Wildling RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (1)
British Lad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (1)
Constantine AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (1)
Earl of Warwick RS - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (1)
Kenobi RS - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (1)
Traumprinz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (1)
Meistersoldat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (1)
Raindancer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (1)

#20 | Ponyjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#21 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#22 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (1)

#23 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#24 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)


#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cassonade RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
Sassenach RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (2)
DWs Diarada - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
Canadia RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (3)
Schattengöttin J - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (3)
Perle De Norval - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck (3)
EA Nachtherz - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (4)
EA Castlevania - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (2)
Arizona RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (2)
Empress of Dorne RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
Kendra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (2)
Rockabilly Tb - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
DWs Naitiri - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
Bentayga RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
Klees Feefi Fofum - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (3)
Gone Girl - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
Antarctica EG - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (5)
Polarschnee F - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (5)
SHT Elchtrophäe - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (2)
Lyonette RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
RA Barkeeperin - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (2)
Italian Ballad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (2)
Shirley EG - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (2)
Rockerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
Aufunddavon WZH - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (3)
Meera - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
Oceanie - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (4)
Doornenkroon AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (2)
Pretty In Aquamarine AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Lucky Bean Creeper AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
Mask of Memory AWB - Anarchy - Anarchie (5)
Marquise AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Kino AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Manasa AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Kayena AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Hafei AWB - Anarchy - Anarchie (5)
Dina AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)

#26 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponystuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Cookie Dough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (2)
Licks Onatah - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (2)
Chamber of Secrets - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (3)
Klees Pricca - Rising Sun Stables - Candace Phelps (4)
Zimtcake RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (5)
Königs Blaine Cerana - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (2)
Queenie - Rising Sun Stables - William Holland (5)
Saturna RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
NRC Viking Blossom - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (3)
Klees Galeazza - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
Klees Spybella - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
Klees Jalayma - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)

#27 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#28 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
Frenclina - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder (2)
Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (2)
Orient Express RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (2)
CDS Noteinabottle - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)

#29 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#30 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Salonsilber ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (2)
Santa Cruz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
Superdieb RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (2)
Ghost in the Castle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (3)
Santiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (5)
NRC Nobody Like You - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
Sindarin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (2)
Königs Cronan God - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
Lexodus RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
Soulmate - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (3)
Captain Candy JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
Nachtrabe F - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (3)
CDS Loughgall Knight - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Marie Peglau (2)
RA König Neptun - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
Nightking RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (2)
Rough Sea RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
Tairen Soul RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
Crimson Vampeur RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
Cursed Prince RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (3)
Warwick MH - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (4)
Gallantino - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (4)
Illicite AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Geblendet AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Curse the Debate AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (5)
Dandy AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (5)
Beautiful in Blue AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Aoir AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
Kahweol AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)

#32 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponyhengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Zimtbear RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (3)
Crunchip F - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka (4)
Guardian RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
Lunds Glomallows - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
Special One - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (3)
Ice Viking J - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
Demon Drink - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (5)
Klees Adenosin - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)

#33 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#34 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
Artemis SR - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
Boyfriend RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (2)
Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson (2)
February Winds - Rising Sun Stables - Daniel Leary (2)
Soldier Hollow - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (2)
Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (2)
Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (2)
BF DearWhiteRabbit - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (5)

#35 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#36 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige


#37 | Schau für Warmblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Escada RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (10)
RC Little Lovebird - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (7)
Sheary Saorla - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (7)
For Cats Sake - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (8)
Dreams Come True RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (10)
RC Lighthouse Lady - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (11)
Cant Get Enough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (15)
Cranleigh Valesia - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Domer Samanthe - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Pretty In Pink - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Mourning Mistress - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Oldfinion D. Swunsch - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Molly Malone - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Hayley Kern - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Kapsaicin AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Kaempferia AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
Dikbekkraai - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)

#38 | Schau für Ponystuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Sonea - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (8)
Hazelwoods North Light Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (6)
A.T. Polar Light - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (14)
Swansea - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (7)
Athene von Blau - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Kakáo - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Viena - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Lepída Machairioú - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Camilla Cauliflower - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Wölfisch Mylonite - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Quest Giver - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
A.D. Fortunate Heart - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Fritzi - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
Cloth Light - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)

#39 | Schau für Barockpferdestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#40 | Schau für Vollblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
Folksong - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (6)
Petit Aviaire - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (6)
Sayonara - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
Zebrelle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (6)
FI Solaris - Rising Sun Stables - Rowan Wilkins (8)
Cat in de Nile - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (10)
Heart of a Lion - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (10)
Secret Sun Princess - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Aamira ox - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)

#41 | Schau für Stockhorsestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#42 | Schau für Kaltblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#43 | Schau für Warmbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
Clifftänzer TZH - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (7)
Blightown Cashel - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (16)
Cassiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (6)
San Remo RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (14)
Scaon Dixon - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Bye Cursed Craving - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Bonfils - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
8th Commandment MHW - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
8th Circle of Hell AWB - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Melanges Keks - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Asar - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Sir Artedy - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Melanges Dompteur - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
Gelackmeierte - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)

#44 | Schau für Ponyhengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
RSs Cavanz - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (12)
Pokemon Pete - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (13)
RSs Red Bull - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (17)
Catch a Falling Star - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (9)
A cold day in July - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
A Boon And a Bane - Anarchie - Anarchy (11
A Life of Its Own - Anarchie - Anarchy (11
A Little Bird Told Me - Anarchie - Anarchy (11
Plappern - Anarchie - Anarchy (11

#45 | Schau für Barockpferdehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#46 | Schau für Vollbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
SHT HandOfTheKing - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (6)
Thesleepwalker RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (6)
Nightwatchman RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (6)
Amazombie RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
Castlelord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (7)
Awesome Impact - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (8)
Seventh Son - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (8)
Colonial - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (9)
Mramor ox - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)

#47 | Schau für Stockhorsehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#48 | Schau für Kaltbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige


#49 | Senior Warmblutstuten ab 18yo

#50 | Senior Ponystuten ab 18yo

#51 | Senior Barockpferdestuten ab 18yo

#52 | Senior Vollblutstuten ab 18yo
Kyd Caribee - Rising Sun Stables - Lucia Carlson (18)
Whataperk - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (18)

#53 | Senior Stockhorsestuten ab 18yo

#54 | Senior Kaltblutstuten ab 18yo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#55 | Senior Warmbluthengste ab 18yo

#56 | Senior Ponyhengste ab 18yo

#57 | Senior Barockpferdehengste ab 18yo

#58 | Senior Vollbluthengste ab 18yo

#59 | Senior Stockhorsehengste ab 18yo

#60 | Senior Kaltbluthengste ab 18yo




RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#9 von EZ Zahr , 15.08.2023 10:33

#1 | Warmblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
1. Schauriges Herz ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
2. AM Novara - Hof Assmann - Josephine Griedl
3. NRC Sidney Noir - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
4. Rosegold RS - Rising Sun Stables - Joshua Holt (0)
5. Antidote RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
6. AM Pembina - Hof Assmann - Josephine Griedl
7. Dordogne EW - Rv Ehra - Joshua Webber
8. Nordpol RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (0)
9. RC Heideherz - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (0)
10. Ginevra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (0)

#2 | Ponyfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
1. Retroherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (0)
2. Rebella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)
3. Celina EW - Rv Ehra - Lidia Dumbler
4. Targa RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
5. Faseln - Anarchie - Anarchy (0)
6. Gins Baronin Pietra - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler
7. Lentissima von der Alrachquelle EW - Rv Ehra - Lidia Dumbler
8. Vitele - Anarchie - Anarchy (0)

#3 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#4 | Vollblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)
1. Junessie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle (0)
2. Batgirl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
3. WispOfNile RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)

#5 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

#6 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Stuten (Jhg. 2023)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#7 | Warmblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
1. Foreign Elf RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (0)
2. NRC Dementio - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (0)
3. Solano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (0)
4. AM Conan MacMoirna - Hof Assmann - Dennis Langkamp
5. VFs Roséheld LH - Rv Ehra - Victoria Freiger
6. C Coca Cola - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (0)
7. Diaspor RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
8. Zeitzeuge RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (0)
9. Luxusalm EW - Rv Ehra - Betrisha Webber
10. Damiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (0)
11. Copperion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (0)
12. Cloudgazer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Remond (0)
13. AM Lionello - Hof Assmann - Dennis Langkamp
14. Nebelspion RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (0)
15. AM Querbeet - Hof Assmann - Dennis Langkamp

#8 | Ponyfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
1. RA Dark Lord - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (0)
2. Gins Haldor - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler
3. Nieselnebel EW - Rv Ehra - Lidia Dumbler
4. Gins Réussi - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler
5. Kleins Viking Chief - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (0)
6. Thorin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (0)
7. Nebelle EW - Rv Ehra - Claire Scott
8. Bocetti EW - Rv Ehra - Doreth Dumbler
9. Tirion Leviathan - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (0)

#9 | Barockpferdefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#10 | Vollblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)
1. Milionario RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
2. Notalord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (0)
3. Videfuks RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (0)
4. Dracarino RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brandon Stark (0)

#11 | Stockhorsefohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)

#12 | Kaltblutfohlenschau Hengste (Jhg. 2023)


#13 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
1. Sourceress RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (1)
2. Cloudella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
3. Septa Unella RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (1)
4. Dealerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
5. Dancera RS - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (1)
6. RC Blood Red Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
7. Lady Voldemort RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
8. Regentin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (1)
9. Celtalpha RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (1)
10. Spirita Catchy RS - Rising Sun Stables - Mackenna Jones (1)
11. Antara JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
12. EA Aint No Queen - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (1)
13. Galanthis J - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (1)
14. Dublinesse JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (1)
15. NRC Academia - Rv Ehra - Victoria Freiger
16. Crime Queen RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (1)

#14 | Ponyjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
1. Retrosine RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)
2. Prior Fairy AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (1)
3. Rocksteady Queen J - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (1)
4. Sternhofs Alternative Fact - Rv Ehra - Betrisha Webber
5. Gins Feel Winning - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler
6. Sternhofs Frühlingsstimmung - Rv Ehra - Claire Scott
7. Highland Girl RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (1)

#15 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#16 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)
1. Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval (1)
2. Midnight Spark RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (1)
3. Viserya RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jacob Kriecher (1)
4. Mille Lira RS - Rising Sun Stables - Linus Mayenburg (1)

#17 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

#18 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Stuten (Jhg. 2022)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#19 | Warmblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
1. Iskando RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (1)
2. Constantine AZ - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (1)
3. White Knight RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
4. Raindancer RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (1)
5. NRC Lichtspieler - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
6. Seelenpirat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Guthrie Mackay (1)
7. Meistersoldat RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (1)
8. RA Nachtschatten - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (1)
9. Kenobi RS - Rising Sun Stables - June Summer (1)
10. Cosmico RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (1)
11. Traumprinz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nina-Marie Krandick (1)
12. NRC My Prince of Fire - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (1)
13. For Bel Filou EG - Techelhof - Vicki Bauer (1)
14. Earl of Warwick RS - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (1)
15. Wildling RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (1)
16. British Lad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (1)
17. Salazar Slytherin vom Sternhof - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (1)

#20 | Ponyjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
1. Gins Sir of Whooshing Winds - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler

#21 | Barockpferdejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#22 | Vollblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)
1. The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
2. Castle Charm RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (1)

#23 | Stockhorsejährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)

#24 | Kaltblutjährlingsschau Hengste (Jhg. 2022)


#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige, 1. Abt.
1. Cassonade RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
2. Pretty In Aquamarine AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
3. Lyonette RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
4. RA Barkeeperin - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Merch (2)
5. Sassenach RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (2)
6. EA Nachtherz - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (4)
7. Politessa EW - Rv Ehra - Liam Webber (4)
8. Canadia RS - Rising Sun Stables - Delma O'kane (3)
9. Shirley EG - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (2)
10. Raijin EW - Rv Ehra - Cassian Schrain (4)
11. Rockabilly Tb - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
12. Rockerin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
13. Italian Ballad RS - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (2)
14. Kayena AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
15. Kino AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
16. DWs Naitiri - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
17. Oceanie - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (4)
18. Meera - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
19. Fantastica EW - Rv Ehra - Lidia Dumbler (4)
20. EA Castlevania - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (2)
21. Gins Irish Silvia - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (4)
22. Polarschnee F - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (5)

#25 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige, 2. Abt.
1. Schattengöttin J - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (3)
2. Gone Girl - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
3. Despoina EW - Rv Ehra - Cassian Schrain (2)
4. SHT Elchtrophäe - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (2)
5. Kendra RS - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (2)
6. Manasa AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
7. Gins Benedetta - Privatstall Ginelli - Alexander Petersen (4)
8. Doornenkroon AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (2)
9. Antarctica EG - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (5)
10. Marquise AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
11. Mask of Memory AWB - Anarchy - Anarchie (5)
12. Empress of Dorne RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
13. Perle De Norval - Rising Sun Stables - Lars Terbeck (3)
14. Lucky Bean Creeper AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
15. Klees Feefi Fofum - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (3)
16. DWs Diarada - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
17. Hafei AWB - Anarchy - Anarchie (5)
18. Bentayga RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (3)
19. Dina AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
20. Arizona RS - Rising Sun Stables - Daina Minoka (2)
21. Gins Little Miss Pipeline - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (2)
22. Aufunddavon WZH - Rising Sun Stables - Luke Graham (3)

#26 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponystuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Licks Salva - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Klers (2)
2. Klees Pricca - Rising Sun Stables - Candace Phelps (4)
3. Celestina EW - Rv Ehra - Doreth Dumbler (4)
4. Zimtcake RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (5)
5. Queenie - Rising Sun Stables - William Holland (5)
6. Banja Tb - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (5)
7. Liberta von der Insel EW - Rv Ehra - Doreth Dumbler (2)
8. Klees Galeazza - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
9. Chamber of Secrets - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (3)
10. Klees Jalayma - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
11. Bonnie Tb - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (4)
12. Licks Onatah - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (2)
13. FS Marmormeer - Rv Ehra - Betrisha Webber (3)
14. Königs Blaine Cerana - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (2)
15. Cookie Dough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (2)
16. Saturna RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
17. Licks Lascana - Rv Ehra - Doreth Dumbler (5)
18. NRC Viking Blossom - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (3)
19. Klees Spybella - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)

#27 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Animus Ignis Garia - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Emmanuel le Charpentier (5)
2. Klees Houkje - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Nicole Cordeiro Sobrinho (5)
3. Williams Nannichje - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Tony Hector Bond (3)
4. Williams Remkje - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Andreas Thomas (2)
5. Williams Soukje - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Juna Mühler (2)
6. Animus Ignis Lileas - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Stefan Kemper (4)
7. Williams Simke - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Juna Mühler (2)
8. Animus Ignis Genoveva - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Marie Täsche (5)
9. Animus Ignis Liz - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Alicia Wittebrood (4)

#28 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (2)
2. CDS Noteinabottle - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
3. Orient Express RS - Rising Sun Stables - Leo Heiskanen (2)
4. Frenclina - Rising Sun Stables - Ellen Harder (2)

#29 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsestuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

#30 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltblutstuten 2- bis 5-Jährige

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige, 1. Abt.
1. Tairen Soul RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
2. RA König Neptun - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
3. Salonsilber ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (2)
4. Dandy AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (5)
5. For Sale EW - Rv Ehra - Joshua Webber (4)
6. Gallantino - Rising Sun Stables - Colin Fox (4)
7. Aoir AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
8. MC Sir William - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kristina Baker (4)
9. Starling Stoner - Rv Ehra - Victoria Freiger (2)
10. Rough Sea RS - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (2)
11. CDS Loughgall Knight - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Marie Peglau (2)
12. Nightking RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (2)
13. NRC Nobody Like You - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (2)
14. Warwick MH - Rising Sun Stables - Lora Hiller (4)
15. Santiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (5)
16. Soulmate - Rising Sun Stables - Sina Lustig (3)
17. Ghost in the Castle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Michael Wielers (3)

#31 | Jungpferdeschau, Warmbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige, 2. Abt.
1. Kahweol AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
2. Dashiqiao Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Katrin Hoover (2)
3. Lexodus RS - Rising Sun Stables - Casey West (2)
4. Sindarin RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (2)
5. Crimson Vampeur RS - Rising Sun Stables - Brock Ranganathan (3)
6. Curse the Debate AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (5)
7. Santa Cruz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eleonora Gray (2)
8. Cursed Prince RS - Rising Sun Stables - Eloni Flame (3)
9. Geblendet AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
10. Captain Candy JAM - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
11. Superdieb RS - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (2)
12. Königs Cronan God - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (2)
13. Dominion Hill EW - Rv Ehra - David Lahnhöfer (2)
14. Nachtrabe F - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (3)
15. Illicite AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
16. Beautiful in Blue AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)

#32 | Jungpferdeschau, Ponyhengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Guardian RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)
2. Alexander Tb - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (4)
3. Nebelblau EW - Rv Ehra - Claire Scott (2)
4. Ice Viking J - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (3)
5. Zimtbear RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kim Wielers (3)
6. Demon Drink - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (5)
7. Klees Adenosin - Anarchie - Anarchy (3)
8. Special One - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (3)
9. Lunds Glomallows - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (3)
10. Capital Happy EW - Rv Ehra - Claire Scott (4)
11. Licks Stonehenge - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Leandra Salcher (2)
12. Skyland EW - Rv Ehra - Claire Scott (2)
13. Licks Janosch Jannison - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Lukas Wenz (2)
14. Sterntaler Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Jule Honigmann (3)
15. Crunchip F - Rising Sun Stables - Noel Stinovka (4)

#33 | Jungpferdeschau, Barockpferdehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Animus Ignis Gilby LH - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (5)
2. Williams Simon - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Juna Mühler (2)
3. Animus Ignis Lleu - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Alicia Wittebrood (4)
4. Williams Maiko - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Stefan Kemper (3)
5. Williams Pyt - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Andreas Thomas (2)
6. Williams S.Temmen - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Andreas Thomas (2)

#34 | Jungpferdeschau, Vollbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Soldier Hollow - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (2)
2. Boyfriend RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (2)
3. BF DearWhiteRabbit - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (5)
4. Green Tempest - Rising Sun Stables - Anthony Lawson (2)
5. February Winds - Rising Sun Stables - Daniel Leary (2)
6. Artemis SR - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
7. Distelzar xx Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Benjamin McFadden (5)
8. Throne Claimant RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julian Brohm (2)
9. Paladin ox Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Jule Honigmann (5)
10. Warlord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Phoebe Sterling (2)
11. Royal Bisquit RS - Rising Sun Stables - Evelyn Smith (2)

#35 | Jungpferdeschau, Stockhorsehengste 2- bis 5-Jährige

#36 | Jungpferdeschau, Kaltbluthengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Gins Giordano - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler (4)
2. Gins Giacinto - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler (4)


#37 | Schau für Warmblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Sheary Saorla - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (7)
2. Dikbekkraai - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
3. Ginellis Larifari - Privatstall Ginelli - Louis Franzen (10)
4. For Cats Sake - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (8)
5. Daily Motion Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Daniel Stokes (13)
6. Domer Samanthe - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
7. Cranleigh Valesia - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
8. Ginellis Friandise - Privatstall Ginelli - Alexander Petersen (6)
9. Oldfinion D. Swunsch - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
10. Dreams Come True RS - Rising Sun Stables - Katniss Storm (10)
11. Arami Donna - Hof Assmann - Josephine Griedl (16)
12. Kaempferia AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
13. RC Lighthouse Lady - Rising Sun Stables - Rahel Lumino (11)
14. Molly Malone - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
15. Kapsaicin AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
16. Ginellis Solitaire - Privatstall Ginelli - Bonnie Miller (9)
17. Dakota Dream Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Jeremy Farber (15)
18. Waraia - Hof Assmann - Josephine Griedl (17)
19. Pixie Dust - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Fabienne Mertens (13)
20. Pretty In Pink - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
21. RC Little Lovebird - Rising Sun Stables - Laurin Fleming (7)
22. Little Miss Perfect - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (16)
23. La Finice LL - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kimberly Gordon (15)
24. Napolitana Tb - Hof Assmann - Josephine Griedl (17)
25. Escada RS - Rising Sun Stables - Naomi Joyce Johannsen (10)
26. Mourning Mistress - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
27. GFS Arlynn Ciannait - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Leonie Mertens (16)
28. Cant Get Enough RS - Rising Sun Stables - Deaven Holloway (15)
29. Ginellis Löwin - Privatstall Ginelli - Bonnie Miller (12)
30. Hayley Kern - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)

#38 | Schau für Ponystuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Camilla Cauliflower - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
2. Sonea - Rising Sun Stables - Dajana Karge (8)
3. Ginellis Sweet Sock - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (9)
4. Wölfisch Mylonite - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
5. Fritzi - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
6. Avalons Alice - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Lars Kranz (15)
7. Swansea - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Berkhoff (7)
8. Baronessa of St. Freeton - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (16)
9. PS Sina - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Lukas Wenz (12)
10. Lepída Machairioú - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
11. Cleveres Mädchen - Rv Ehra - Michaela Eckert (8)
12. Sarafina Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Leandra Salcher (6)
13. Quest Giver - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
14. A.T. Polar Light - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (14)
15. Another Day in Paradise Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Nadine Ehler (15)
16. Cloth Light - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
17. Kakáo - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
18. Ginellis Ragnhild - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (9)
19. Ginellis Saus & Braus - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (12)
20. Athene von Blau - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
21. A.D. Fortunate Heart - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
22. Hazelwoods North Light Rose - Rising Sun Stables - Lily Sullivan (6)
23. Tuja Foxdottir - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Sebastian Pfeifer (17)
24. Viena - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)

#39 | Schau für Barockpferdestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Hostizia - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (10)
2. Filíppa VAM - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (8)
3. Adelheid Wv - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Emmanuel le Charpentier (7)
4. Montedora - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (15)
5. Animus Ignis Sima - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Henna van der Flag (10)
6. ZMs Shari Heart MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Henry Rhode Kristensen-Dideriksen (14)
7. Matrona MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Christine Schreiber (6)
8. Weekje - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Stefan Kemper (16)
9. Uphoffs Janka - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Henna van der Flag (10)
10. Peony MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Christine Schreiber (6)
11. Trude - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Henna van der Flag (17)

#40 | Schau für Vollblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Zebrelle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (6)
2. Sayonara - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)
3. RS Sell my Soul xx - Rv Ehra - David Lahnhöfer (12)
4. Heart of a Lion - Rising Sun Stables - Sheila Connell (10)
5. Aamira ox - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
6. Folksong - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (6)
7. Santa Juanita xx - Rv Ehra - Cassian Schrain (9)
8. Dreaming Sibyl xx - Rv Ehra - David Lahnhöfer (12)
9. RF Battle Songs Pink Lady xx - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Meredith Klers (10)
10. Petit Aviaire - Rising Sun Stables - Glenn Knight (6)
11. Secret Sun Princess - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
12. Disturbia xx Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Benjamin McFadden (8)
13. Cat in de Nile - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (10)
14. Liberty Lady xx Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Katharina McFadden (8)
15. FI Solaris - Rising Sun Stables - Rowan Wilkins (8)

#41 | Schau für Stockhorsestuten 6- bis 17-Jährige

#42 | Schau für Kaltblutstuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Eowyn MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (6)
2. Makaria MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (10)
3. Saga MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (10)
4. Elwira MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (17)
5. Tamara MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (9)
6. Frieda JAM - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (7)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#43 | Schau für Warmbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. 8th Commandment MHW - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
2. Melanges Keks - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
3. Bye Cursed Craving - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
4. Racachou Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kristina Baker (8)
5. Scaon Dixon - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
6. Dreyson MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Nolan Fitz (7)
7. Blightown Cashel - Rising Sun Stables - Tom Eiffel (16)
8. Ginellis Meilenweiter - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (6)
9. San Remo RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lithia Dembrossa (14)
10. Bonfils - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
11. Legend of Lost MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Katrin Hoover (16)
12. Golgius MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Mila Fischer (12)
13. Gelackmeierte - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
14. RC Chalonnais - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Lukas Schmidt (9)
15. 8th Circle of Hell AWB - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
16. Asar - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
17. Sir Artedy - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
18. Ginellis Formidable - Privatstall Ginelli - Alexander Petersen (7)
19. Melanges Dompteur - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
20. Cassiano RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dorie Casale (6)
21. Clifftänzer TZH - Rising Sun Stables - Marcel Hiller (7)
22. Werbung ZL - Rv Ehra - Victoria Freiger (7)
23. Ginellis Frozen Elegance - Privatstall Ginelli - Jana Fassgräber (12)

#44 | Schau für Ponyhengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. RSs Red Bull - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (17)
2. Klees Arangi - Rv Ehra - Betrisha Webber (7)
3. Ginellis Rackety Rock - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (12)
4. A Boon And a Bane - Anarchie - Anarchy (11
5. Status Quo Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Klers (6)
6. Kleins Little Peanut Sunsrise - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Jule Honigmann (7)
7. Pokemon Pete - Rising Sun Stables - Sonora Hiller (13)
8. A Little Bird Told Me - Anarchie - Anarchy (11
9. A Life of Its Own - Anarchie - Anarchy (11
10. Bronco Baicoson - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Klers (6)
11. Kleiner Onkel Tb - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (6)
12. Moment Mal - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Patrick Stahnke (15)
13. Catch a Falling Star - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (9)
14. RSs Cavanz - Rising Sun Stables - Lenard Ireland (12)
15. Giovanni HS - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Klers (8)
16. Ginellis Einfall - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (9)
17. A cold day in July - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
18. Nevado HS - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Jule Honigmann (10)
19. Kingston of Juniper Valley - Privatstall Ginelli - Valentina Samitz (11)
20. Werdheri FW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Lukas Wenz (11)
21. Plappern - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)

#45 | Schau für Barockpferdehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Conversano Ovine MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Emmanuel le Charpentier (11)
2. Siglavy Passadera MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Marie Täsche (11)
3. Favory Perlina - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Emmanuel le Charpentier (15)

#46 | Schau für Vollbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Awesome Impact - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (8)
2. Ripper Jack Wasa xx - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Cillian Connelly (9)
3. A.T. El Salvador ox - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Meredith Klers (14)
4. Dabbous S xx - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Katrin Hoover (12)
5. Mramor ox - Anarchie - Anarchy (11)
6. Fritz Gerald xx Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Lukas Schmidt (8)
7. Castlelord RS - Rising Sun Stables - Aidan Greene (7)
8. Thesleepwalker RS - Rising Sun Stables - Kristina Sander (6)
9. Terbecks El Vero ox - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kate McFadden (8)
10. Colonial - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (9)
11. Seventh Son - Rising Sun Stables - Sherrilynn Martins (8)
12. Only Bluish Minted J xx - Rv Ehra - David Lahnhöfer (8)
13. Nightwatchman RS - Rising Sun Stables - Paul Redmond (6)
14. SHT HandOfTheKing - Rising Sun Stables - Abby Köhler (6)
15. Darleos xx Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Cillian Connelly (10)
16. Lennox ox - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Meredith Klers (11)
17. Amazombie RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (6)

#47 | Schau für Stockhorsehengste 6- bis 17-Jährige

#48 | Schau für Kaltbluthengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Ginellis Charmelos MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (9)
2. Claudius MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (10)
3. Ginellis Friedrich - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (10)
4. Lord Ravell JAM - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (7)
5. Winter Schaunitz XIIX MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (15)


#49 | Senior Warmblutstuten ab 18yo
1. Ginellis C'est la Vie - Privatstall Ginelli - Alexander Petersen (25)
2. U-Concordia - Hof Assmann - Diana Freeh (19)
3. Lady Raccona S - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (23)
4. Doom Terracotté - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Luisa Niers (20)
5. Donnerwolke B - Rv Ehra - Joshua Webber (23)
6. Pirete - Hof Assmann - Diana Freeh (23)
7. Feines Mädchen - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Stefan Fischer (21)
8. Luna GM - Privatstall Ginelli - Jana Fassgräber (24)
9. MC Entertainerin B - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kai Vollmer (26)
10. Neverending Dream - Hof Assmann - Elvira Loreander (23)
11. Ginellis Lauf Ginger, Lauf DC - Privatstall Ginelli - Louis Franzen (26)
12. Liebliche GM - Rv Ehra - Jeremiah Webber (24)
13. Fantasia FH - Hof Assmann - Elvira Loreander (23)
14. Cheerleader Tb - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Bianca Stade (18)

#50 | Senior Ponystuten ab 18yo
1. Vencida S - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Stefan Fischer (22)
2. My Lilly - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (27)
3. DCs Perle Dw - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Luisa Niers (21)
4. Tausend Lichter - Privatstall Ginelli - Domenico Ginelli (25)
5. Coopers Wanja - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Malena Faria Uchoa (18)
6. Silberpfeils Flicka - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (23)
7. Sabrina S - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Steffen Wand (22)
8. Alma de Finlandia - Rv Ehra - Clara Neulott (21)
9. Feel Good - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (25)
10. LBs Sweet Lady - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (24)
11. Silberpfeils Faiza - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (22)

#51 | Senior Barockpferdestuten ab 18yo
1. Nanka T - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (23)

#52 | Senior Vollblutstuten ab 18yo
1. Kyd Caribee - Rising Sun Stables - Lucia Carlson (18)
2. Dark Additude xx - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Tanja Cooper (22)
3. Flight Risk xx - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Luisa Niers (23)
4. Whataperk - Rising Sun Stables - Peter Flame (18)

#53 | Senior Stockhorsestuten ab 18yo

#54 | Senior Kaltblutstuten ab 18yo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#55 | Senior Warmbluthengste ab 18yo
1. Aber Hallo Dw - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Daniel Stokes (21)
2. Rosentals Roadrunner - Rv Ehra - Victoria Freiger (28)
3. Don Camelot Dw - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Luisa Niers (24)
4. Lichtenstein Dw - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (26)
5. Rothes Le Grand Dw - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kai Vollmer (20)
6. Voleby MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Tanja Cooper (26)
7. MC Linux - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kai Vollmer (24)
8. Walzertraum - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (29)

#56 | Senior Ponyhengste ab 18yo
1. Einstein - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (26)
2. Sausewind - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (28)

#57 | Senior Barockpferdehengste ab 18yo
1. Dws Jasper - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (20)
2. Sverre - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (26)
3. Tygo - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (26)

#58 | Senior Vollbluthengste ab 18yo

#59 | Senior Stockhorsehengste ab 18yo

#60 | Senior Kaltbluthengste ab 18yo
1. Camiro Diamant XII - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Zac Nolan (23)

EZ Zahr
Beiträge: 2.572
Registriert am: 15.04.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.08.2023 | Top

RE: 08.08.2023 | niemelow . A U G . 23 . show

#10 von EZ Zahr , 17.08.2023 10:46

#61 | BEST OF Stutfohlen
1. Schauriges Herz ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
2. Retroherz RS - Rising Sun Stables - Anna Peglau (0)
3. Junessie RS - Rising Sun Stables - Ian Doyle (0)

#62 | BEST OF Hengstfohlen
1. Milionario RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
2. Foreign Elf RS - Rising Sun Stables - Cooper Peterson (0)
3. RA Dark Lord - Rising Sun Stables - Cecile Winstanley (0)

#63 | BEST OF Yearling Stuten
1. Retrosine RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)
2. Sourceress RS - Rising Sun Stables - Devora Ricciardi (1)
3. Supergirl SR - Rising Sun Stables - Aurelie Duval (1)

#64 | BEST OF Yearling Hengste
1. The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
2. Gins Sir of Whooshing Winds - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler
3. Iskando RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (1)

#65 | BEST OF Youngster Stuten 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (2)
2. Licks Salva - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Klers (2)
3. Cassonade RS - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (2)
4. Animus Ignis Garia - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Emmanuel le Charpentier (5)
5. Schattengöttin J - Rising Sun Stables - Jannis Sokla (3)

#66 | BEST OF Youngster Hengste 2- bis 5-Jährige
1. Animus Ignis Gilby LH - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (5)
2. Gins Giordano - Privatstall Ginelli - Kari Köhler (4)
3. Soldier Hollow - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (2)
4. Kahweol AWB - Anarchie - Anarchy (4)
5. Tairen Soul RS - Rising Sun Stables - John Erwin (2)
6. Guardian RS - Rising Sun Stables - Luisa Finke (2)

#67 | BEST OF Stuten 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Zebrelle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (6)
2. Eowyn MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Harald Prinzl (6)
3. Camilla Cauliflower - Anarhie - Anarchy (11)
4. Hostizia - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (10)
5. Sheary Saorla - Rising Sun Stables - Frederick Foster (7)

#68 | BEST OF Hengste 6- bis 17-Jährige
1. Ginellis Charmelos MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (9)
2. RSs Red Bull - Rising Sun Stables - Ava Godwin (17)
3. Awesome Impact - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (8)
4. 8th Commandment MHW - Anarhie - Anarchy (12)
5. Conversano Ovine MW - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Emmanuel le Charpentier (11)

#69 | BEST OF Senior Stuten ab 18yo
1. Nanka T - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (23)
2. Kyd Caribee - Rising Sun Stables - Lucia Carlson (18)
3. Vencida S - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Stefan Fischer (22)
4. Ginellis C'est la Vie - Privatstall Ginelli - Alexander Petersen (25)

#70 | BEST OF Senior Hengste ab 18yo
1. Einstein - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (26)
2. Camiro Diamant XII - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Zac Nolan (23)
3. Aber Hallo Dw - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Daniel Stokes (21)
4. Dws Jasper - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (20)

1. Retrosine RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (1)
2. Einstein - Privatstall Ginelli - Tamara Klein (26)
3. Schauriges Herz ROSE - Rising Sun Stables - Julie Timpe (0)
4. Zebrelle RS - Rising Sun Stables - Laurie Kim (6)
5. Milionario RS - Rising Sun Stables - Dean MacNulty (0)
6. The One RS - Rising Sun Stables - Nick Tengel (1)
7. Ginellis Charmelos MW - Privatstall Ginelli - Viktoria Ginelli (9)
8. Millionairess RS - Rising Sun Stables - Lina Marshall (2)
9. Animus Ignis Gilby LH - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Laura Bolnbach (5)
10. Nanka T - Gemeinschaft TDLWS - Kendra Williams (23)

EZ Zahr
Beiträge: 2.572
Registriert am: 15.04.2014

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.08.2023 | Top


09.08.2023 | an'G S P A N N T . im August.23
31.07.2023 | t r a b a j o . julio*23

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